Pride Month Special

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A/N* This is just a variation of an idea that someone had for a 1,000 reads special chapter, but I'm doing it as a chapter for pride month since it was pretty convenient. This probably isn't canon since it's not gonna be referenced at all in the story.

Anyways, enjoy!!! - Nick

(Also thanks to @jinxy_wolfy for once again giving me ideas lol)

(Also sorry if this chapter actually sucks, I have no experience writing a chapter in this concept so I tried my hardest)


Steven and I were cuddling in bed while watching tv, when he asked me a question.

"Hey Y/n, with there being a pride festival on the boardwalk I was wondering if you'd like to check it out with me?" Steven asked me. "Aww I'd love too honey!" I said. We got up from bed and decided to get dressed.

"Ready?" Steven asked, grabbing my hand. I nodded and we headed out for the boardwalk. There were some lights and tents set up with little pride flags scattered all around.

"Woah, this is really pretty." I said. "Yup! It's really cool to know that they're doing stuff like this." Steven replied. We walked over to one of the tents to find Mr. Smiley managing one of them.

"Hey there kids! Enjoying the festival?" Mr. Smiley asked. "Yup! It's nice seeing you guys do stuff like this." I smiled. "Well, we gotta do something to represent everyone! After all, you 2 deserve it right?" Mr. Smiley said, winking. We just giggled and started walking around to other parts of the boardwalk. As we were checking out the other tents, I noticed there was a boy who looked around our age but relatively taller. He was helping set up something when I guess he saw us and came over to say hi.

"Hi there you guys! I'm Max." The boy said. "Hello! I'm Y/n." I said, shaking his hand. "Hey! I'm Steven, his boyfriend." Steven replied. Max took a good look at us before flashing a small smile. We talked for a bit about things like how Steven and I met, and all sorts of things. We brought up the gems, but since Beach City is kinda known for having them he wasn't shocked to hear this. He seemed like a really nice kid, so Steven had the idea of inviting him over after the festival.

"I don't have anything planned so that sounds like fun!" Max said. "Alright then, we'll see you later." I replied. Max waved to us as we walked around the rest of the festival. After a bit of exploring, we went through all of the festival's additions and there was some pretty cool stuff. Since we were done, we met up with Max and showed him where we live.

"Wow, you guys have a really nice house." Max said, taking in all his surroundings. "Heh, you're telling me." I joked. We went inside and showed Max around the temple and brought him into our room.

"This is basically where we sleep and watch tv." Steven said. "How about we watch a movie?" I asked. "Sure, that sounds good." Max replied. I put in a Lonely Blade's movie that was respectfully dubbed, and we watched through it. After that, Steven wanted to go take a shower so Max and I waited for him on the couch.

"So Max, where do you live?" I asked. "Oh, I live not too far out from here. Maybe about 15 minutes away." Max said. He and I chatted about some things for a bit and he was honestly a really nice guy. I could tell that we were gonna be pretty good friends. Steven got out of the shower and we just chilled the rest of the day. Once Max had to leave, I told him he could come buy at any time. And so for the next few days, I invited Max over to hang out.

Steven POV

Max has been coming over a lot lately, and his company has been pretty fun. However, it feels like Y/n wants to hang out with Max constantly and I guess I just feel kind of lonely. He doesn't really focus on me too much and is all caught up on Max.

"Hey Max! Come on in, I got some board games set up for us." Y/n said, greeting Max at the door. "Ooo, sounds like fun! I can't wait to play them!" Max replied. I just sighed and joined them in their board games. After a few board games and some rounds of cards, I started getting annoyed by how much they talked to each other. Eventually I just got up and walked away, while Y/n didn't really even seem to notice since he was all caught up in Max. This carried on for a while and I started to get really jealous of Max.

"See you later Max!" Y/n yelled, waving at Max as he left. I just sat in the kitchen eating something. "Well, what'cha wanna do Steven?" Y/n asked me. I just said nothing and kept eating.

"Steven?" Y/n asked again. "...Nothing." I quietly replied. Y/n was really confused by this random mood swing and wanted to know what was up.

"Is everything okay? You don't seem like your normal self lately." Y/n said. I shrugged and didn't say much. "C'mon, please tell me what's wrong." Y/n pleaded. "Why don't you just go out and do something with your new boyfriend?" I said, irritated. Y/n was shocked to hear me say this and didn't really know how to respond.

"W-what? Steven, what are you talking about, you're my boyfriend! And Max is straight as far as I know." Y/n replied. "Well it doesn't feel like it." I said. Y/n tried to say something, but was at a complete loss for words.

"Steven...did I do something wrong?" Y/n asked, slightly upset. When I didn't say anything at all, this made Y/n start to worry. "Please Steven...just tell me what's wrong..." Y/n said, desperately trying to get an answer.

"You hang out with Max so much, it feels like you care about him more than you do me." I replied. Y/n finally understood why I was upset and immediately felt horrible. He ignored me this whole week and didn't seem to want to pay much attention.

"Y-you're right...I'm such a horrible person. I'm really sorry Steven." Y/n apologized. "I don't want you to think I don't care about you, because I really do.". Y/n walked over to me and started to hug me.

"Please forgive me, I really didn't mean to hurt you so much." Y/n said, starting to cry. I hated seeing him cry like that, but I guess I was kind of harsh to him. "H-hey, It's okay. And I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have been so mean to you." I said, teary-eyed. Y/n and I just hugged each other for a minute before finally letting go.

"I promise from now on that I'm gonna pay more attention to you. I promise I'll be a better boyfriend." Y/n said. "Well, there's no point in trying to be a better one when you're already the BEST one." I teased, trying to lighten the mood. He noticed what I was doing and giggled at my little tease. That night, Y/n and I sat on the bed watching tv and cuddling up with each other. In the morning, Y/n called Max saying that he was sick and Max couldn't come over for a while. Max knew he was lying and said that he understood and hopes that we are doing well together. For the next few days, we had a lot of fun together and Y/n made sure to keep all his focus on me only. He was so sweet when he wanted me to be happy, I'm so lucky to have someone like him.

"Here, try it on." Y/n said, handing me a shirt. They were matching pride shirts that he had made specifically for the 2 of us. "Aww they're so cute!" I said, putting on the shirt. We decided to stroll around the boardwalk once more, just to support the local cause.

"Man, he really is the best boyfriend ever." I said to myself.

Happy Pride Month you lovely individuals!!! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜

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