A Mission For 2

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"You have to keep up, move faster." Garnet said, easily blocking my attacks. "I know, but it's difficult!" I replied, trying to land a hit. Garnet has been offering to help me excel more in my hand to hand combat through the use of physical training against each other. "Alright, that's enough for today." Garnet said, ending the training lesson.

"So... how'd I do?" I asked. "Well, your speed is definitely improving but it's lacking, you need to deeply concentrate on each attack, managing your control of power and agility." She replied. That was Garnet's way of saying I wasn't doing that great. We sat down so I could eat lunch for a bit.

"Can I ask you a question, Garnet?" I said. "Hm?" She asked. "How much do you know about my mom?" I asked. Garnet pondered for a moment before answering.

"I wasn't exactly that close to your mother, but I did know her to an extent." Garnet said. "I bet she was an amazing fighter, I wonder if I'll ever be half as good as her one day." I said. Garnet just chuckled and ruffled my hair.

"In time you'll become an excellent fighter, I wouldn't worry about that." Garnet replied. I finished eating my food and we got up, but not before turning around to see Steven and Pearl walking towards us. "Hi sweetie!" Steven said, jumping into my arms. "W-woah! Good afternoon to you too, honey." I giggled.

"What's the mandate this time Pearl?" Garnet asked. "Well, there's supposedly certain objects scattered around various parts of the world. They're able to synchronize and form into a weapon of destruction, which will be deadly in the wrong hands. The issue is that their appearance is unknown. You're supposed to be able to feel energy radiating off of it, so that's your best clue." Pearl replied. "I have already sent Amethyst to one location, I now need you guys to split into teams. I figured it would be Steven and I, with you and Y/n.".

"Wait, can't Y/n and I go together instead?" Steven asked. "This mission could be very dangerous and I'm not sure that you're capable enough to handle it alone yet." Pearl said. "But he's my boyfriend after all, at least give us a chance!" Steven replied, angrily. "I promise we'll do good!" I pleaded. Pearl just sighed but finally caved in.

"Fine then, just please be cautious, okay?" Pearl said. "Yes ma'am!" We replied. Steven and I rushed inside to pack our things for the mission. "I can't believe we convinced Pearl to let us go together!" Steven said, packing his cheeseburger backpack. "Yeah, I guess she does have a lenient side to her." I said. When we got all of our things ready, we headed straight for the warp pad.

"Alright you 2, I'm trusting that you'll be able to succeed?" Pearl asked. "Don't worry Pearl, we got this in the bag." I said, giving a thumbs up. Pearl nodded and sent us off to the mission location.

Location: Mid-Atlantic

Time: Early afternoon

Objective: Retrieve a fragment of some object scattered throughout the world.

Known Information: The land is braced by an unknown force; it's told that only those who seek it shall find it.

We arrived at our destination; it was a mountainous area that followed a trail similar to that of the sea spire. "Incredible...this place is like a paradise." I said, amazed by the scenery. "You're sure right about that. But careful, you don't wanna lose sight of what's truly pretty." Steven winked. "Hehe, and that's why I love you." I said, giggling at his flirts. We followed along the path, noticing every detail about the place. As we were walking, I glanced over the trees to see a deer with a red eye following us, but then running ahead.

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