Part 2

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Tommy tried to control his breathing and stop the tears flooding down his face. He hated showing emotions like this, especially with his bandmates. The guitarist listened closely at the sound of Eric talking to someone else for a few seconds before it switched the phone to speakerphone and a woman's voice came across.

"Tommy? Are you guys okay did something happen on the way here?" Tara asked.

"Y/N is gone. It's over, and I don't know what to do, man," the guitarist sputtered into the phone.

"What do you mean, gone? Like going home to deal with her dad's stuff or there was an accident, and she's gone," Eric chimed in.

"Her ex douche bag was texting her, and I found them. Instead, and talking about it or what was happening between the two of them. Stupidly, I went and got hammered, causing a bigger fight when I asked her to block that loser out of her life completely. She ran out and apparently called Paul, who is here now, and booked my girlfriend on a plane home right into the arms of Kevin." Tommy replied.

"You're an idiot!" The drummer replied.

"Shut up, Eric! That bitch, I knew she was gonna lose her mind with all of this. Tommy, don't you worry, I'll get you two back together if it means you come to Oklahoma with me for the funeral." Tara told him

The guitarist smiled softly to himself, feeling thankful and somewhat hopeful that your best friend would be able to get you to at least speak to Tommy. He knew that would be better than nothing at this point. However, in his gut, it was probably going to be all he got if Kevin actually had his way with you, as those messages had indicated.

"Thanks, Tara. I'll talk to you all later. Paul will be back around soon to drive out to California," The guitarist replied, going to hang up the phone.

"Hey Tom, wait," Eric stated.

"What Elf Boy? Do you want to unleash on me too? You can always wait for our singer to bring me up there, and then you can take your pop shots one at a time," Tommy snapped into the phone.

"I'm sorry, okay, and we can talk about this one-on-one when you get here. Listen to me know, though don't let this jealous leave you where your ex-wife left you. Y/N is not Amber, and you are not Kevin. If Y/N does talk to Tara, Ill tell her the same thing. Don't let past destroy a chance at a happy ending." Eric replied before hanging up

Tommy plugged his phone into the charge hanging off the dresser and laid back down across his bed. The last thing that the drummer had told him to play again in his head. Tommy had tried his best not to compare anything from his relationship with his ex-wife to the one he had with you. He wrapped himself in the blanket, attempting to catch some sleep before Paul busted into the room again for an unnecessary road trip for the band meeting.


3 PM

"Again, tell me why I need to ride with you? I am capable of getting to a band meeting," Tommy asked, following the singer to his car.

"Well, since you decided to be an idiot and break a girl's heart, which resulted in me driving HOURS to start the clean-up. You're pretty much-gonna play by my rules now," Paul replied.

"Goddamn it! No one asked you to come here. You could have told her to just come to talk to me or to cool off. You, Paul Stanley, decided to get out of his bed, into his corvette, and get involved! There were two people involved here, Paul, fucking two!" The guitarist yelled, stopping in front of the older man.

"We need to work on that temper, mister. Good thing we have SIX hours to talk," Paul said, his cell phone began to ring.

Tommy stayed still and watched the smug look disappear from the older man's face as he looked down at the device. Paul looked up at Tommy and quickly declined the call, opening the trunk of his car for the guitarist to throw his suitcase into the back. Tommy looked over at the singer's cell phone seeing your number flash across Paul's cell with a text message and then a second call coming through.

"Answer that! What if she needs us, Paul" Tommy said, pointing at the phone.

"Two things, it's my phone, and I choose if and when I answer it, and secondly, do you think I'm that stupid? I'm not going to answer it with you standing right beside me, so you can take it from me and try to talk to her," Paul replied as he climbed into the car.

Tommy quickly jumped into the corvette and reached to grab the phone from the singer's lap. Paul instantly smacked the younger man's hand away. The guitarist punched the singer in the thigh, immediately regretting it as the older man pinched his arm and grabbed his hair, forcing Tommy to look at him.

"Listen again, I'm flattered that you are attracted to me, but I'm a happily married man, and no means no! Now I'm gonna let you go. Do you think you can behave yourself, or am I gonna have to make you ride in the backseat like a child? Paul asked.

"I hate you, douche bag," Tommy replied and pulled away.

"Dude, open the glove box. There may be snickers or something in there to calm your whiny ass down," Paul replied as he sped out of the parking lot.

Tommy glared at the singer and opened the glove department finding an assortment of chips and candy. The guitarist grabbed a candy bar and shook his head, not at all surprised that his bandmate had snacks stored away. Paul and Eric were the foodies of the band. Tommy shut the compartment door and looked out the window as he opened the wrapper slowly.

"Thank you, Paul, for thinking of me, even though I made you drive all the way out here and have been a dick the last six hours." The singer mocked.

"How do you have children? Like how are you a dad when you act just like Eric does" Tommy grumbled.

"So now I need to have the birds and the bees talk with you too? Poor Y/N," Paul chuckled.

"Let's play the quiet game, okay?" The guitarist replied

"Sure, you can shut the hell up, and I talk. First, though, we have to make a couple of stops," The singer replied.

Tommy groaned and ran his hand through his hair as he stared at the window. He silently wished he would wake up from this horrible dream and you would be right beside him in the hotel room. The flash of Paul's phone caught the guitarist's attention as your number came across the screen again. Tommy felt his stomach begin to turn as he wondered if you were in trouble with your ex being so close by. 

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