Part 9

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(Reader POV)

You glared at the man standing in front of you with the disgusting grin on his face. Any hope you had of Kevin getting the hint that you didn't want to see him anymore quickly flew out the window. Eric pulled Tara over to the kitchen, trying to calm her down and monitor you simultaneously. You had hoped Tommy would have been here to protect you in case you had to deal with your ex-boyfriend, knowing Kevin wouldn't just leave you alone.

"I've been trying to call you, but it said your number is disconnected, and I was getting worried, babe," Kevin told you, walking into the house.

"That's because Y/N doesn't want you in her life anymore, dickhead! She's found someone better and stable than you will ever be." Tara snapped.

"Oh, Mr. Washed Up Rockstar, is better than me, Y/N? I bet he can't keep you as happy in the bedroom as I did." He replied.

"That's actually Mr. Thayer, to you," Tommy said

You moved toward the door, not believing your eyes, finding Tommy standing behind your ex-boyfriend in his typical long sleeve shirt and blue jeans. He pulled his sunglasses off of his face, moving up the steps to stand in front of Kevin. You looked over at Eric, seeing the panic in his face as the two of you made eye contact. Kevin looked back at you and started laughing, confusing all of you but the guitarist who tapped him on the shoulder.

"Why are you even here? Y/N clearly isn't happy with being with you grandpa, so you and the two stooges kick rocks." Kevin replied.

"See, that's where you're wrong, because where you may think you kept Y/N happy in the bedroom, you can never do what I do, and that keeps her satisfied and safe all the way around. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to say hello to my girlfriend. The guitarist replied.

Tommy tried to walk in the door but stopped instantly when Kevin blocked him with his arm in the door frame. The guitarist looked at you like he was waiting for approval from you. Shaking your head and moving toward your ex, you grabbed his arm and jerked him back. Kevin took his free hand and backhanded you across the mouth, causing you to crumble to the floor.

"Tommy, no!" Eric screamed.

You moved your hands to your nose and mouth, feeling the blood rushing out of them. Looking at the door, seeing Tommy tackle Kevin to the ground. The guitarist hit the younger man in the face repeatedly, with little Eric trying his damndest to pull the guitarist off of the other man. Tara came over and wrapped her arms around your waist, pulling you up to your feet. Tears welled up in your eyes at the entire scene taking place, all because of you. Jerking away from your best friend, you went out to the front yard and attempted to help Eric stop the fight.

"Tommy, please stop. He's not worth it," you pleaded.

Tommy looked over at you, seeing the aftermath of what Kevin's slap had caused. Scrambling to get to his feet, the guitarist grabbed and wrapped you in his arms, gripping you against him while you wept. The man had been right in his argument with Kevin. Tommy had always made you feel safe when he was around, not just a warm body to save him on lonely nights. The sound of sirens pulling down the street made the two of you break the embrace. Looking up at his face, you could see the swelling around his left eye and a cut around his lip.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think he was going to show up here. Just more problems I seem to cause." You said, shaking your head.

"Sweetheart, He is a jackass, and he had that ass beating coming. This is not your fault, and don't you dare say I should just go back home because you're nothing but drama." Tommy told you.

"How the hell did you know I was going to say that?" You asked him, confused.

"We've been dating for almost a month since the Kruise. When you love someone for more than just their bodies, but for who they are as a whole, you catch on to things." The guitarist said, winking at you.

"I'm glad you came. I didn't think you were going to after the last two days." You replied.

Tommy went to open his mouth to say something else when two officers stepped out of the squad car. Attempting to not groan aloud, recognizing both men from their repeat visits to your house over your father. The officers went in separate directions, one over to Kevin and the other to you. You wrapped your arm around the guitarist's slender frame. Tommy kissed your head and extended his free hand to one officer. Shaking your head at the sight of your nosey neighbor stepping out on the porch.

"Ed, it's been a while. This is my boyfriend, Tommy Thayer," You said with a sigh.

"Y/N, I didn't think I'd be making any more calls out to this house with your dad being gone. My condolences," Ed replied.

"I was hoping not to see anyone in town this trip, but Kevin made sure to not let that happen, and he made sure he left a parting gift." You told him, pointing at your face.

"Do you want to press charges?" The officer asked.

"Yes," You replied simply.


Several Hours Later

The four of you sat around the dining room table at your father's house, eating pizza and drinking beer. You and Tara traded off sharing stories about your childhood in a small town. Grinning at your best friend as she reenacted a tale. You tried to remember the last time the house had been filled with so much laughter and joy, when it had been just your pops and you. Tommy leaned over and squeezed your hand, pulling you back into the present. You looked up and patted his hand with your free one, trying to focus back on the story Tara was still telling.

"Why don't you tell the guys that time you got busted for making out in the movie theater? When I had to come and act like your older sister so they wouldn't call your mom," you said, raising your eyebrows.

"Actually, Y/N, how about we go for a walk, and you can show me around your old neighborhood? Give these two a chance to wear themselves out before we get back." Tommy suggested.

"That sounds like a good idea," you said, moving away from the table.

"You two try to stay out of trouble this time, please? I don't want to have to explain to Doc why we need bail money," Eric called.

"Isn't time for you to be making your way back to the North Pole, Elfie?" Tommy asked.

Eric narrowed his eyes as the three of you laughed at him, clearly annoyed by the little inside joke you had about him. Tommy held the door open, and you waved goodbye to your best friend, feeling the same butterflies in your stomach as the night of your first date with the guitarist. He slipped his hand into yours, making the hair on the back of your neck stand up and goosebumps dancing across your arms. Trying to keep your thoughts from going into the gutter, you looked away from Tommy, trying to decide where to take him first.

"Let's hit the old playground first. It'll give us a chance to talk while we swing and goof off," You said as you pulled him down the sidewalk.

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