Part 25

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The two of you stood outside of your hotel room door, looking at it and then at each other, terrified of what you would find inside the room from your best friends. Finally, Tommy fished the keycard out of his pocket and slid it into the door. You stood behind him as the guitarist walked into the room slowly, stopping for a second and letting out a deep breath. He moved around the corner to where the bed was and chuckled, making you raise an eyebrow at him.

"They are gone and my request for fresh bed sheets was done, too. But you have to see this piece of paper next to a letter." Tommy said, handing it to you

You looked down at the piece of paper and had to cover your mouth to muffle your laughter. Drawn across the hotel stationary was an elf with tears dripping down its face with a sign with the words "I'm sorry" scrawled across it. If either of you hadn't known better, you would have thought one of Paul's children had done it. Looking over, you watched Tommy's eyes move back and forth across the other piece of paper with the same grin on his face.

"What? Did they do something again? I swear to god," you said, turning toward the door.

"Calm down, they said they are paying for breakfast tomorrow and will call Doc to get another flight so we will have the band's plane to ourselves." Tommy replied, wiggling his eyebrow.

"I'm not thinking about food or sex right now. Let's go to sleep, please?" you asked

"Anything you want, but we will have sex so loud in the morning that it wakes them up." Tommy replied,

"So that gives me two hours to sleep, got it." You said, climbing into bed.

Tommy slid in beside you and wrapped both of his arms around you, moving his head up to lay his chin on your shoulder. You tried to ignore the hot breath from the guitarist hitting your neck and close your eyes to go to sleep. The guitarist moved your shirt up and ran his fingers, running his calloused fingers across your skin, making you slightly shiver. Tommy grinned against your face, making you roll your eyes and pull away from him.

"I don't think you want to sleep, do you?" You asked.

"I had five cups of coffee, and I've been waiting all night to finish what you started." Tommy said, rolling you over.

"With everything that happened since we left your best friend's house, the yelling, fixing relationships, and things that will never be mentioned again that we walked in on. You still want to fuck me senseless?" You asked.

Tommy moved to hover over you, leaning on his elbows so he didn't crush you. The smirk grew bigger as he looked down at you. Moving your hands to his shoulders, you tried your damndest to push Tommy off of you, instantly making him chuckle as he grabbed both of your small hands into one of his larger ones. He took the other hand and began tickling you all over, playing close attention to your sides. The two of you fought to catch your breath as you attempted to squirm away from the man, as you both laughed.

"Alright, You win Thayer! I give up," You said, trying to catch your breath.

"What do I win?" He asked, looking down at you.

"The greatest prize of your life, duh, me," You replied, smirking up at him.

"Well, that happened a month ago, though it is a lovely prize. I want a prize for this moment," Tommy told you.

"Cuddles, that's all you get until I catch a few hours of sleep, Mister. Can you hold off for that long at least?" You asked, pushing him off.

The guitarist rolled onto his back and pulled you to his chest, giving you a silent response to the previous question. Tommy let out a deep sigh and ran his hand through your hair before grabbing your chin. You looked at him, waiting to see if he was going to make one last attempt at sex until you saw the tears building up in his eyes. Pulling away from the guitarist, you sat up feeling both alarmed and confused by the sudden mood change out of the man.

"Tommy, what's wrong? Is it from me saying no or all the drama?" You asked in a panic.

"Dont be silly Y/N, you can tell me no every day for six months and I'd be okay. I guess hearing everything you dealt with at such a young age just made me realise how lucky my family life has been." Tommy replied.

"This has something to do with what Gene told you and Eric, huh?" You asked.

"Tara told you what we were told about both of you yesterday," the guitarist said, sitting up to look at you.

"No, just about what he said to freak Eric out. Now you are crying, so what the fuck did the bastard say about me?" you yelled.

"I didn't want to say anything until I found out more. We all know Gene will do anything to cause problems. He mentioned where your mom may be at." Tommy replied.

Do You Still Love Me Like You Used To?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora