Part 14

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(Reader POV)

You turned and watched all four men head out toward the backyard, feeling the tears running down your face from the bassist's stupid comment. Quickly wiping the tears away, you glanced over to see Tara staring at you, a mix of sadness and anger flashing across her face. You stood up and grabbed plates, helping Erin clean up the mess from lunch, looking for any way to keep your mind off Gene's comments.

"Aww thank you, Y/N, most people don't help clear the table," Erin said, running water in the sink.

"It's no problem, it's actually how my dad raised me. I don't think ill ever be able to break the old habit," You shrugged.

"How are you doing with all of that? Paul said the death was sudden." She replied, placing dishes into the soapy water.

"I'm honestly not sure on how I'm doing with that. Tommy and I being back together is awesome, but being away from home, Oklahoma, I mean, is going to take change. I'm sorry I got Paul involved with that fight though." You said, covering up dishes with foil.

"Oh, I'm glad you are comfortable with two members of the band asking for help. Hopefully, the three of us girls can be pals, too. Tara is definitely a character to hang out with. You both don't seem to be, so I don't know how to explain it," Erin said.

"Up tight? No stick up our asses? Just don't drink with her, you'll have a hangover for a week. My twenty-first birthday is still hazy." You told her.

"Oh, I've had a small experience with that. Lord, our kids screaming and playing loudly the next day was brutal." Erin replied,

The two of you started laughing and turned back to cleaning the kitchen. You glanced over periodically to see both Tara and Shannon staring at their phones and felt the tension come floating into the kitchen. Running the bassist's words in your head, you tried to figure out what the big deal was with him. Though neither of you had been in the same room for over five minutes, you had always been respectful to both him and his wife. The thought of him always treating you like scum made your blood boil.

"Eric, I'm going to talk to Gene and Tommy. I want to know what the problem is," You said.

"How about we just have a drink first and unwind? You shouldn't let him get to you or the doubts you had about being with Tommy are just going to come back stronger." She replied.

"Don't you think you've caused enough problems? You and the other trailer trash queen over here have both Tommy and Eric pussy whipped. They don't follow directions right anymore," Shannon called from the dining room.

"Excuse me?" you asked, walking back into the dining room

"Oh boy. Hey Evan? Will you please take the kids upstairs for a bit," Erin called.

You watched the young teenager gather up his brother and sisters, leading them up the stairs and shutting the baby gate behind him. Turning back around, you stared down at Shannon, waiting for an explanation of the sudden comment. The woman continued to stare down at her phone, ignoring that now Tara and you were staring at her. Your best friend knocked on the table, making the blonde headed woman look up from her device.

"Can I help you? I don't think there is anymore to say. Paul was just supposed to set you up as a week of hook-ups for Tommy to get him out of his funk. Then Eric had to go hook up with that one of there. You've gotten drunk and made the band look bad in the media. You just took off because Tommy hurt your feelings and cost Gene and Paul over ten thousand for your father's funeral, if that's even what happened." Shannon said.

"You stayed with Gene for almost thirty years, and I'm sure he just wanted you as a one time fuck, but you wouldn't go away. At least Tommy and Eric actually communicate and care. Unlike your crust husband that treats you like a business transaction." Tara spit out.

"How did I become the problem in this, can someone please explain? Tommy and I were in a relationship and it had more difficulties. I haven't been disrespectful and haven't spoken about things without having the facts. If the band paid for anything, I am totally not aware of that. I didn't come sniffing around Tommy for money." You replied.

"Your trash and don't belong with Tommy. Amber was perfect for him and the man blew it. We know all about you, Y/N, your past with your mom, and your dear old dad. Eric, just as stupid with that ones wrap sheet and rehab stays." Shannon told you, batting her eyelashes.

Feeling the tears pool in your eyes, you grabbed Shannon by the white ruffled blouse, throwing her against the wall. The fear dancing across her face somehow brought pleasure to you, making you wonder if that was what Kevin or your father felt the moments before they beat you. You raised your hand and slapped the woman across the face, feeling the sting build up in your right hand. Holding her chin, you moved your mouth to her ear, hearing the shaky breath leaving her chest.

"If you ever talk to me or my friend like that again, I will mob the floor with you. You do not know what Tommy and I have, so until you learn about us, keep those Botox injected lips shut," You whispered.

"Y/N, don't prove their point, let's just go find Tommy and Eric. We can go back to the hotel. I'm sorry Erin," Tara said, pulling you toward the kitchen.

"No, you guys stay. Shannon, you need to leave my house, right now! Everything you are saying is false and you are just parroting what Gene thinks. These women are family friends and have made the guys happy. Stop being a jealous bitch," Erin stated from behind you.

The two of you stopped and turned around, seeing the standoff between Erin and Shannon. You left your best friend standing in the kitchen as security, in case another fight broke out. Walking through the backyard toward the guest house, already hearing the raised voices as you pass the pool.

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