Part 34

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A few hours later,

The two of you walked back into the house with about a dozen bags between the both of you. It had been a great and exciting experience shopping with the guitarist despite almost getting caught in the dressing room getting hot and heavy at one point. You carried your bags up the stairs and immediately began piecing out an outfit for the evening, hearing a slight chuckle from the doorway.

"What?" you asked as you turned around

"I love this about you, being prepared hours before something is supposed to happen. It's not something I'm used to." Tommy replied, his smile quickly leaving his face.

"You can talk about her if you want to, Tommy. Maybe it would help us both to understand each other more if we knew about the other ex partner." You said, shrugging slightly.

Tommy pushed off the door frame and walked over to you with the boyish grin returning. You put your hands up and tried to push him away from you as he grabbed them and pinned them on to the dresser. The guitarist bent down and kissed the spot under your earlobe, making you shutter slightly and let out a shaky breath. Tommy continued to make a small trail of kisses across your neck until he reached the other side, then took your earlobe in between his teeth and pulled slightly.

"Goddamn Tommy" You murmured

"You are so lucky I have to jump on a business call in ten minutes or my name would roll off of your lips a little louder than that." Tommy whispered.

"There are things called quickies, mister," You replied, staring at him

"I don't do quickies. I like to take my time," Tommy said, moving away from you.

"I know that's why we almost got banned from the mall," You said,

The guitarist let out a loud chuckle and dug into his pocket, pulling out your cell phone, and placed it on your dresser. He pulled his device out of his other pocket and turned it on, groaning immediately as the screen flashed on. You looked over his shoulder to see he had a dozen missed calls from Tara, Eric, and Gene. You patted his shoulder and then pushed him toward the door.

"You go handle your bandmates, while I try to calm down the hellacious wrath that is my best friend." You said, as you moved back toward the dresser and turned your device on.

Just like Tommy's cell phone, your screen flashed on, displaying over twenty missed calls and a dozen text messages from your best friend. You let out a groan, wanting to punch yourself in the face for even texting her before you left the house, knowing you had probably sent her into a panicked rage. You took a seat back on the bed and propped a pillow behind your head as you clicked the video chat app and waited for Tara to appear on the screen. In two minutes, your friend popped on the screen, looking at you with a scowl.

"Do you know how close I was to seeing if Eric could get permission to use the band's plane? I hear Tommy's voice coming from the other room, so I'm guessing it's a problem with him." Tara said.

"I'm sorry. Tommy took the phone away after we got to the mall. You know I wouldn't purposely ignore your relentless calling. He turned both of our phones off, though I'm sure you gave him an ass chewing on a voicemail or two." You replied.

"Maybe, but he's gonna hear it from Eric because I woke him up in a panic. Now your text said trouble is brewing. Did Tommy pop the question?" Tara asked.

"Why the fuck would that be bad new? His brother invited us over for dinner and the ex-wife will be there since she's still best friends with Tommy's sister." You replied, feeling your stomach doing flip-flops.

Tara looked at you wide-eye and stayed quiet on the screen for a few minutes. You heard the guitarist laughing down in the kitchen and got up to close the bedroom door, as you waited for your best friend to give you some sort of advice. Taking your place back in the same spot again, you held your other hand and waved it in front of the screen, finally catching your friend's attention.

"I'm sorry. I forgot there was an ex on Tommy's side, too. Do you want us to fly out there that way? You have some backup, or I can get dirty on her from Eric for you, so you know what to expect." She replied.

"You're supposed to be making me feel better, bitch! Do you really think i should have something to worry about?" You asked, panicked.

"Bitch, Tommy is head over heels for you like it's disgusting cute. Amber will see that he upgraded way beyond her wildest dreams when she sees you. The family will love you too if you can just be yourself and not try to put up a front," Tara replied..

"So let me get this straight. You, for once in our entire friendship, are telling me to be myself and Ill have a fighting chance? Are you sick or something?" You asked with a laugh.

The two of you started to laughing hard as Tara flipped off the camera toward your comment. You wiped the tears from your eyes, trying to catch your breath. Both of you chatted for another hour until you saw Eric appear on the screen and whisper something in your best friend's ear. You looked over at the clock, seeing it was already almost five, and you knew you would need to get ready before the guitarist took over the bathroom.

"Ill call you tomorrow and let you know how everything went. Love you," You said.

"Love you too. Please try not to over think" Tara replied, before the screen went black.

You sat your phone down on the end table and stood up from the bed, stretching before you headed toward the shower, trying to clear your mind of the anxiety building up. The hot water sprayed across your body and you felt the tension melt away from you. You hung your head down and let the water run down your back, not noticing the shower curtain moving and Tommy slipping in behind you. He bent down and kissed your shoulder, making you jump.

"Jesus Christ. Are you trying to kill me?" You asked, slapping the guitarist's arm.

"I'm sorry, baby girl. I just finished my meeting and missed you, so I was going to finish what I started," Tommy replied.

"You couldn't wait for me to get out of the shower.." You said

Tommy shook his head and pushed you back under the water, kissing you roughly as the water fell over the both of you. The two of you ran your hands all over each other's bodies, exploring as the two of your tongues danced alongside each other. You wrapped your arms around the guitarist's neck and broke the kiss, leaning your forehead against Tommy's.

"This is better anyway. We can get dirty and clean and we won't have to any bitching about being late." Tommy replied.

"Shut up and kiss me," You said, pulling the guitarist back down to you.


Two hours

"Would you calm down," Tommy whispered

You looked at him and then back down at your outfit, adjusting the skirt for the sixth time since the two of you had walked down the hill to Anne's house. Tommy pulled you into a hug and ran his hands up and down your back for a moment before pulling away and kissing your lips gently. You winced slightly as his lips touched yours. The two of you had spent most of the afternoon making out and screwing to the point it surprised you only your lips hurt.

"I just want to make sure I look okay," You replied

"You look better than okay, Y/N. You're beautiful and I'm a lucky man," Tommy said.

"Lets just go in, okay?" You replied, pointing to the door.

Tommy chuckled and rang the doorbell before he wrapped his arm around your waist. You looked at him and smiled softly and squeezed his hand, as the two of you waited for the door to be opened. After a few minutes, the door opened, and you felt the guitarist pull away from you slightly at the sight of the tall brunette standing in the entryway. You looked up and saw Tommy's face looking as white as a sheet of paper. You patiently waited for the man to say something, to make the situation less awkward.

"Hello Tommy, you look amazing," the woman said

"Hello Amber, nice to see you again," Tommy replied.

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