Part 4

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"So you were basically just trying to shut Kevin up, but because you got distracted by make-up sex with Tommy. It never got brought up about the Lord of the Douches texting you? Tara asked.

"Right! Look at the text, Tara. You know that's the only way I can get Kevin to shut up. Tommy could have woken me up that morning instead of going and getting shit-faced. I don't want to be in a relationship that is controlling, but I wish he was here with me." You sighed.

"Tommy is very loyal, but not a jealous person. He doesn't want to lose you, Y/N, so those texts probably triggered something in him because of Amber." Eric replied, instantly regretting it.

"What do you mean? Did she cheat or something? Is that why he flipped out like that?" You asked, looking over at Eric.

The drummer got up from the couch and began pacing the floor back and forth, rubbing the stubble on his face. You and Tara looked at each other, both confused and worried by Eric's actions. After three minutes, your best friend stood up, grabbing her boyfriend's shoulders and stopping him dead in his tracks. The drummer looked at her like a deer in the headlights, making your anxiety peek up. Tara led him back to the sofa and took a seat on the coffee table, holding her hand up to you before you could complain about her being on it.

"Tables are for glasses, not asses, bitch," you replied, hitting her with the nearby pillow.

"Shut up, bitch. You broke my boyfriend with your question. Eric, tell me what's going on. What happened with Tommy that would make him act as he did toward Y/N?" she replied.

"He found the messages online and the texts. The sad thing is Amber didn't care at all, and they had been together for years. Tommy worried when he fell for you so fast that he would be heartbroken like last time, and well, he was right." Eric said, looking at you with his deep blue eyes.

"I worried he was going to break my heart after everything that Kevin did to me, and now Tommy thinks I'm like his ex. My god, what did I do," You whispered.

Before you could stop, the tears poured down your face, and you had to cover your mouth to silence the sob escaping. Tara wrapped her arms around you again, running her hand up and down your back. Tara had been your best friend since elementary school, and your dads had even worked together. If there is anyone you would trust with your life, it would be here. You pulled away from her and wiped the tears away from your eyes.

"We will get everything sorted out, okay? Let's get some rest, and then you and I will get everything arranged for your old man." She told you.

"Okay, now get your ass off the table." You laughed through your tears.

"Let me get Eric settled in first, and then I'm gonna shower. Why do plane ride always make you feel gross?" Tara asked, slapping the drummer's leg.

"Well, when you did what we did in the bathroom," Eric said.

You looked over at the two of them with raised eyebrows, trying not to laugh at the expression on your best friend's face. Eric looked from her to you with a big grin dancing across his face, like he had won a big prize. Tara grabbed his hand and pulled off the couch, trying her damndest not to make eye contact with you. The drummer shrugged his shoulder and followed closely behind him. Letting out a deep sigh, you asked the one question you knew would probably make more problems.

"Eric, can you call Tommy for me and let him know I'm okay and willing to talk, please?" You asked.

"Sure, I'm sure Paul's driving Tommy crazy by now. He'd probably love to hear your voice," Eric said before turning the corner.

You laid down on the couch, looking up at the ceiling, attempting to process everything that Eric had said for a few minutes. You could see why Tommy would be on edge about the red flags that went off when he saw your phone. Neither of you had really discussed past relationships or your lives. You may have blown your chance to speak to Tommy ever again. Getting off the couch, you walked to your bedroom, grabbing your cellphone off the end table.

You ran across the one number that had brought more drama into your lift in the last 48 hours than they did in the six years you had been together.

"Only way to get rid of the drama and be happy is to cut off all the ties to the baggage." You said out loud, as you blocked and deleted your ex's number.

Quickly you filtered through all your social media accounts, deleting and blocking Kevin, feeling the weight of the world lift off your shoulder with each step. After a few minutes, you laid back against your pillow. You hoped Tommy would talk to you, even if it meant him telling you he never wanted to see you again.

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