Part 22

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After five minutes, Tommy came walking back toward you with a frown on his face, making your heart drop knowing another room wasn't available and another plan was going to be needed. The guitarist grabbed your hand and pulled you from the chair, wrapping his muscle arm around your waist and looking down at you, as though he was waiting for an idea to come from you about what to do with your best friend.

"I don't know what you want me to do? If you go in there, Tommy, and wake Tara up to get her to go to her own room. She will throw hands and even I can't protect you," You said, pressing the call button for the elevator.

"Uh, I'm not waking her up. She is your friend and I'm not supporting a black eye from your little psycho friend. Definitely not moving Eric to our bed. I'm not making love to you in their room," Tommy replied, as you both stepped into the lift.

The two of you made a face at each other at the disgusting thought, both of you knowing how your best friends were to be behind closed doors. Tommy pulled you to him, not yet pressing the button to your floor as the doors of the elevator closed. Confused, you waited to see what he was going to do next, since the guitarist always kept you on your toes. He dipped down and kissed your forehead, pressing the button, not letting go of you.

"You have something on your mind. What is it?" you asked.

"Let's go home tonight. I'll call Doc even though it's 3 am and then we are in our own house. We can do whatever we please to each other or together." Tommy replied,

"Had to add that last part up there, did you?" You asked with a chuckle.

"Well, don't want you to think you were only going to be in our bedroom. There's so much to show you, but we still need to talk about you meeting my family." the guitarist replied, staring you in the eye.

You stared at the man and let out a deep breath as the elevator doors opened, thankful to be saved by the bell in a way. The two of you walked hand in hand back toward the room, grinning at each other, knowing each other felt excited about the escape plan. Tommy pushed the door open and peered around the corner, finding both Eric and Tara, stark naked in your bed, going at it like jackrabbits.


"Really Tara, how many times are you going to fuck your boyfriend in the bed that I sleep in?" You asked.

"At least this time you weren't in it, like at that one party." Tara mumbled,

Tommy looked at you with wide eyes, and you looked back at your friend seeing her face turn as red as a tomato, realizing what she just shared with everyone in the room. You held your hand up to your boyfriend, trying to keep him from opening his mouth and causing a bigger mess than what Tara and Eric already created in front of them at the present moment. Trying to collect your thoughts for a few minutes, while the other three awkwardly looked around the room.

"Tara and Eric, grab your clothes off of the floor and go get dressed in the BATHROOM. After that, go back to your rooms. Tommy makes phone calls while I pack up our stuff." You ordered.

"Hey you guys are leaving early. Why?" Eric asked.

"Listen Elf boy, I've had about enough of you and Tara tonight. What we just caught you two doing is beyond inappropriate. Now get your ass dress and get out of this room, with no more questions. You both should be ashamed of yourselves," You snapped, pointing at both of them.

"Way to go now Y/N is fucking mad at us! Do you know what I'm going to have to do so she won't be angry anymore?" Tara asked Eric as she wrapped a sheet around herself and followed him into the bathroom.

You looked over and saw Tommy staring at you with a huge smirk on his face and his head cocked to the side. The look that meant nothing but trouble. Pointing toward the phone in hopes he would make the call and not get distracted. The sight of the guitarist moving across the room, jumping across the bed and grabbing you was the clear sign you had lost. Tommy pushed you up against the wall and slammed his mouth against your lips. He held your hips roughly against the wall. He pulled back for a minute to look at you with hooded eyes. Tommy changed the kiss to slow and sweet, moving one of his hands from your hips to your face, and rubbing the back of his fingers against your cheek. You pulled away and pushed him back, hearing Tommy chuckle.

"Do you know how hot that was? That shy girl I met so long ago, bossing people around and making them jump into action. I like that side of you." Tommy said, walking back toward the phone.

"Don't get used to it, mister, let's just hope they aren't banging in the bathroom, so I can get our stuff out of there." You laughed.

Tommy made a gagging sound and picked up the phone, punching in a phone number before turning his back to you. You went to the bathroom door and pounded on it three times, hearing groans of frustration from behind the other side, making you smile to yourself. Quickly, you started moving around the room, looking for both Tommy's and your clothes that had been discarded in the few days you had been in the room while you waited for the guitarist to get off the phone. Anticipation already flowing through your blood as your mind took you through the list of everything you wanted Tommy to do to you and with you as the both of you were safely home.


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