Part 11

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You held Tommy's hand and walked back toward your father's house. The two of you had been talking back and forth non-stop over the crazy stunts his bandmates had pulled over the years while you tried to keep up with tales of your times with Tara. The two of you had almost reached the driveway when Tommy started telling you about Eric's lucky boxers.

"I'm not kidding, Y/N. Eric will wear the same boxers as good luck for every show," Tommy said.

"You're lying. Eric has to have an extra pair that just looks the same. He probably just told you guys to ruffle feathers." You said, walking up the driveway.

"You just wait, missy, you'll see on tour, and the man has no shame. Eric will walk around in his damn boxers outside unless one of Doc or us catches him." Tommy replied.

You shook your head and opened the door, finding Eric grabbing the whipped cream and chocolate syrup out of the fridge, just like his best friend had told you, in his boxers, this time with no shirt on. The drummer looked up at the two of you, startled at first, and then waved with the sly grin dancing across his face. Tommy groaned and covered your eyes, trying to shield the mental image from being any more burnt into your head. You smacked his hand away and moved your hand back and forth, trying to figure out what the drummer was doing with the two items in his hands.

"Eric, what the hell are you two doing? We told you we would be back in a few hours. Could you not have held your freak show off two more days," Tommy asked.

"Hey, it's been over six hours that you two ventured out, so we figured maybe you got another room to do your own thing. Excuse me for wanting to help my girl." Eric shrugged.

"Stop there now, please, before I puke everywhere. Why would I go stay at a hotel when it's my father's house? Please, just put the stuff back and then go burn the sheets." You said.

"Eric, What is taking so long?" Tara called.

The sound of shuffling feet down the hallway made the three of you turn to see Tara coming to the kitchen wrapped in a sheet. You looked up at Tommy, seeing he was trying to not crack up laughing at the situation unfolding in front of the two of you. Elbowing him in the side, you turned to face your best friend, clearing your throat loudly to catch her attention. She stopped in her tracks, looking from Eric to you with her face bright red from embarrassment.

"What are you doing... I mean, did you two have a pleasant talk? We thought you had gone to a hotel to stay since you were gone for so long," She said.

"Tara, you know that the hotels in this town are gross, and again as I was telling your boyfriend, this is my dad's house, so of course I'd come back here." You replied.

"Well, I know how you feel about people hearing you, so I figured since you were making up that, ya know," Tara said.

"And get your minds out of the gutter! This is for ice cream; we were enjoying a movie and wanted a snack," Eric said

"Um, Eric, dear sweet Elf Boy, there's no TV in that room, so unless you could fit one in your suitcase, you both are disgusting," You replied.

Tommy started laughing at the two of them as they looked back at you with their jaws hanging open in shock. Eric quickly shocked the two items back into the fridge and followed behind Tara to the spare bedroom. You took a seat on the couch, rubbing your temples with your fingers. Feeling hands come to your shoulders, slowly rubbing the knots out of them. You groaned, feeling the tension leaving your body, and heard Tommy's soft chuckle as he continued his work.

"Dear lord, Y/N, when was the last time you relaxed? These knots are horrible," He said.

"Two weeks ago," You sighed, patting his hand on your shoulder.

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