Part 45

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The Next Day

(Tommy POV)

The guitarist stood next to your best friend in the jewelry store, scanning the engagement ring selection in front of him. Tommy had spent half the night on the internet trying to find the perfect ring while you slept peacefully next to him. He had picked Eric and Tara up early that morning to help him, but the drummer had gone back to the hotel to catch some more sleep before coming out for the day.

"Tommy? look at this one. It's beautiful!" Tara said

Tommy walked over to see the white gold band with a single one-carat diamond ring in the case. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach as he looked at it, knowing that it was just your style. The guitarist motioned for the saleswoman to come over and pointed at the ring, smiling as the woman brought it out of the case. Tara squealed and wrapped her arms around the man, jumping up and down.

"Okay goof ball calm down okay? Do you really think this is the one?" Tommy asked

"You know it's the one! You just want me to reassure you that's all," Tara replied

"Okay then, can you box this up for me please," Tommy asked the saleswoman

"Right away Mr. Thayer," the woman replied

"So where are you going to do this?" Tara asked

"The beach that I took her to when she first came here. I'm going to have rose petals and roses lining the walkway. Maybe play a song for her before I ask her," the guitarist replied as he put his credit card on the counter

"Omg, that sounds so romantic. She is going to cry her eyes out," Tara said.

The sales woman brought the small bag to him and handed him the credit card back. Tommy let out a shaky breath and took the bat, trying to work out all the plans for the big night in his head as the guitarist and Tara walked out of the store. They walked quietly to the car, both lost in their thoughts for a moment.

"I'm going to need you to keep this in your room and keep it a secret. I have to go get breakfast for the two of us and then go home. Call her after I drop you off and make plans for dinner," Tommy said

"She doesn't know we are here?" Tara asked

"Y/N was still asleep when I left this morning. The accident wore out. I know she's bummed about not being pregnant too, so she needs an excellent distraction." The guitarist replied,

"Leave it all to me," she replied

Tommy smiled and started the car, driving back toward the downtown area of Oregon, feeling over the moon by everything that was going to be taking place in the next couple of days for the two of you.


(Reader POV)

You woke up the next morning alone in bed with a note laying beside you on Tommy's side of the bed. You rubbed your eyes and sat up in the bed, feeling a throbbing pain in your head, making you wince. Grabbing the piece of paper and reading the note, smiling to yourself before you got out of bed and headed toward the bathroom to pee. Quickly you did your business and then washed your hands in the sink, looking at your bandage head in the mirror. Slowly, you pulled the bandage away, seeing the six stitches on your forehead.

"I can't believe these spells are back again. That's all Tommy needs to deal with now," You said with a sigh.

You walked to your dresser and grabbed a black shirt and a pair of jeans quickly throwing them on before grabbing Tommy's note and reading it again seeing he had gone out to grab coffee and breakfast for the two of you after he ran a couple of errands. You ventured down the stairs feeling lost without the guitarist in the house. It made you wonder how it would feel when he actually started going on tour again.

You grabbed the envelopes full of the letters written by your mother and started sorting through them by year before looking at the address, wondering if your mother was even still alive or living at the same place all the letters had come from. The sound of your cellphone ringing pulled you from your thoughts and you wiped away the tears falling freely down your face as you walked toward the counter in the kitchen and picked it up. A smile graced your face as you saw your best friend's picture on the screen.

"I was wondering when you were going to call," you said into the phone

"Well, I figured I'd let your clumsy ass sleep for a little before I called to tell you we are in town. Do you know want to have dinner tonight?" Tara asked

"That would be great. I'll check with Tommy when he gets home from wherever he is and make sure he doesn't have plans for us," you replied

"Cool, I'll call back in a couple of hours then," she replied before hanging up the phone

You went to put the phone back on the counter when you heard the garage door open and Tommy stood in his trademark white t-shirt and black jeans, holding a box of donuts and coffee. The two of you smiled at each other before you walked over and grabbed the coffee, sitting it on the counter.

"Where did you run off to this morning?" You asked, taking a sip of coffee

"What did the note say?" He asked, pulling out a glazed donut

"Where were your errands at? Stuff for the band or what?" You asked

Tommy threw the donut back in the box and walked over, wrapping his arms around your waist. He pulled you tightly against his body as he smiled down at you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, looking up into his dark brown eyes, seeing the fear and happiness deep inside of them. The guitarist leaned down and kissed your lips gently, taking your breath away for a moment.

"Guess who is in town?" You asked

"Your best friend. Eric called while I was out. We are going to have dinner with them so we are going clothes shopping in a bit," Tommy replied as he grabbed your hand

You laughed as he pulled you back up the stairs, knowing good and well what he had in mind for the two of you before you got ready for the day. 

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