Part 19

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"It's not like you to come running over here to me over a fight. Did he hurt you in someway?" You asked, leading your friend to the bed.

Tara sat down on the bed and put her hands over her face, sobbing loudly into them. Tommy came and put his hands on your shoulders, making you pull your eyes off of your best friend and look up at him. He had the same concern and confusion dancing across his face as you. The two of you waited for your friend to calm down, so either you or Tommy could fix the situation. After a few minutes, Tara let her hands fall to her side, revealing her blotchy, red face. You heard the guitarist walk toward the bathroom and turn on the water, coming back with a wet washcloth, handing it over to you.

"Tara, wipe your face with this and then tell us what's going on, please," You said, handing over the towel.

"Gene told Eric everything about my past during that little meeting today, and now the douche bag is thinking he and I need some time apart from one another. Even though he is the one that punched the old bastard in the face," Tara replied.

"Tara, you both had a lot to drink tonight. We all did. Eric will calm down and you guys will talk this out over breakfast. Gene just ran his mouth about stuff he found. But your boyfriend loves you, believe me. I'll go over and talk to him if that will help you," Tommy said, kneeling in front of her.

"What the fuck happened in that meeting at Paul's house, and what does Gene know about the two of us that is freaking Eric out now?" You asked, crossing your arms in front of your chest.

Tommy let out a deep sigh and looked at the ground, making your anger rise as you waited for some type of explanation from the man. Instead, the guitarist stood up and headed toward the door, and walked out. Suddenly, the sound of banging echoed from the hallway, making you and Tara both jump. Standing up, you went to walk toward the door, when the sound of the bag in the trash can rustled, making you turn around to find your best friend's head buried inside of it throwing up.

"I guess the old party saying followed us to California. The party isn't over until someone is barfing," You mumbled, as you grabbed Tara's shoulders and led her to the bathroom.

You pushed her down to the ground and held her hair back just as she vomited again. Tara sobbed as the aftermath of dinner and alcohol continued to exit her body. You rubbed her back and tried to sooth her, trying not to laugh as the memories from the highschool parties that had ended just like this, with either you or your best friend with your head in the toilet. After a few minutes, Tara pulled her head out of the toilet and stared at you with glassy eyes. You quickly scrambled to your feet and grabbed a water bottle from the mini fridge in the bedroom.

"Rinse your mouth out with this pukey," You said, handing it to your friend

"I really like him, Y/N, like more than just for the sex, like I got feelings for Eric like you do for space boy. Now Gene ruined it, telling him I'm an ex-drug addict with a criminal past." Tara replied, leaning against the toilet.

"Tommy will get it all figured out Tara, stop worrying about it okay? We all had a lot of margaritas and this stuff shouldn't have been brought up right now." You replied.

"Gene told them all stuff about you as well. Did Tommy not tell you anything?" She asked.

"What do you mean? I don't have a past except for my father." You replied, looking down at her.

"I'm not sure Y/N, I just know Eric thinks he and Tommy should follow Gene's advice and send us back to Hicksville," Tara replied

You felt the anxiety build up in your chest, wondering if the guitarist was going to follow the bassist and drummer's advice, sending you back to your hometown after everything was just going smoothly for the two of you.


(Tommy POV)

"Eric! Open this goddamn door right now!" Tommy yelled

"I told you to go away jailbird! We are over!" Eric slurred from behind the door.

"Idiot, it's Tommy. Open up now or I'm getting hotel security," the guitarist replied.

The guitarist leaned against the door and waited for a moment until he heard shuffling feet coming to the door. Eric cracked the door halfway, making sure it was actually Tommy and not Tara. Tommy pushed the door open and grabbed the drummer by the shirt, leading him toward a chair, and shoved him down into it. Pacing back and forth, trying to control the anger building up inside of him, as the guitarist searched for the right words to say to Eric.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you bring up what that prick said to Tara, knowing it was going to hurt her?" Tommy snapped,

"She's been hiding it for two months now, Tommy. What else could those two be trying to do to us? Gene is right, they should have stayed hookups on the ship," Eric replied.

Without a second thought, Tommy punched Eric in the face, making the older man fall out of the chair. The guitarist shook his hand, seeing the swelling already. Eric held the side of his face and looked at the younger man with hurt in his eyes. Out of the four bandmates, the drummer and the guitarist rarely even had heated arguments between them, and now Tommy had decked Eric over two women, especially his girlfriend. Tommy held out his opposite hand to the drummer to help him to his feet.

"I'm sorry that I hit you, but you are fucking with my relationship, too. Honestly, you are looking for a way out and you know it. You talked about how happy I am with Y/N, but you have that same glow about you as well, dude. Tell me why Gene's words are suddenly bothering you." Tommy said.

Eric looked up at the guitarist with tears in his eyes, making Tommy's heart sink as he waited for the drummer to talk. The drummer's face went from ghost white to green as he ran past Tommy into the bathroom. Tommy sat down on the bed, listening to Eric puke his guts out for over five minutes, trying to stop himself from laughing at the older man.

"Now I know exactly how Paul felt when he came to deal with me." Tommy mumbled, as he waited for the drummer to finish

"I'm not drinking your margaritas ever again! I always get sick every time I drink them," Eric yelled.

"You say that every time, Elf Boy, and don't think just because you are puking what you have left of a brain out that I'm leaving before we talk. I have all night now since once again you fucked up my plans with my girlfriend." the guitarist said.

"We can talk about this tomorrow, Tommy! Tara can sleep in your room so we can have some space." the drummer replied, turning on the sink.

"Listen, unless you want to be the little spoon for me tonight, while your girlfriend and mine sleep together, you better start opening that fat mouth of yours." Tommy replied, glaring at the drummer as he came back into the room.

"Jesus Christ! Fine, I'll tell you, but then you go back to your room!" Eric said, taking a seat in the chair.

Tommy crossed his arms in front of his chest and waited for the drummer to let out what was ever on his mind. 

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