Part 10

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The two of you walked for a few blocks shyly looking at each other, bringing back the memory of the first date on the beach during the KISS Kruise, when both of you had been too nervous, unsure of what to do or say. You let out a sigh of relief when the elementary school came into view, giving a welcomed distraction for the moment. Pointing ahead at the playground, you pulled Tommy across the street, checking to make sure no one was around before you entered.

"No one is here, thank god," You replied, looking over at the guitarist.

"Are you going to talk to me now, or do I need to chase you around the playground first? Remind us both of what it was like to be kids," Tommy asked.

"Considering how old you are, that would be a long trip down memory lane for you. Think your old ticker could handle that? You replied, patting his chest.

Tommy moved to stand in front of you, smiling down with his boyish grin, giving you signs trouble was about to happen. He grabbed your hips and pulled your small frame tightly against him, running his calloused fingers down your arms, leaving goosebumps in their place. Looking down at your shoes, you tried to keep your focus on the conversation that lay ahead. Tommy grabbed your chin, pulling it up, so you were looking him in the eye, making you feel oddly excited at the thought of what the guitarist may do. The guitarist leaned close to your ear with his hot breath hitting your cool skin.

"Do I need to throw you over my shoulder and carry you back to the house for a reminder that age is just a number?" Tommy whispered.

"You can remind me soon, but let's see if you can keep up with the younger ones," you whispered back, taking off running toward the jungle gym.

"When I catch you, you're going to get it!" Tommy called

The two of you spent over two hours running around the elementary playground, both of you laughing like kids as you ran up and down the jungle gym. You stopped finally, unable to catch your breath from the goofing around both of you had done. Sitting down on the bench, Tommy wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you close to him. He let out a deep sigh and looked up at the sky, seeing the sunset. You leaned your head against his shoulder, looking at the tall slide close by the swings, coming up with another challenge for the man.

"Are you ready to talk?" You asked, lifting your head off of his shoulder.

"I'm always ready to talk to you, but I feel you've got something up your sleeve," Tommy said.

"If you go down that slide. Then we can cool off on the swings, and I'll talk to you." You replied.

"I swear to god if I get stuck... well, someone is gonna have to call the fire department to get me out," He said.

"Ah yes, that'll be great press for the band. 'Tommy Thayer butt gets stuck on the' I can see it now in tomorrow's paper," You said, with a slight chuckle.

Tommy smirked at you and grabbed your hand, walking you over to the slide with him. You shook your head, knowing he had an idea of his own or was going to make sure you went through the same torture. The two of you walked up the flight of stairs leading up to the slide opening. The guitarist gestured for you to go first, making you shake your head and grab his arm, moving Tommy forward.

"That's something else that Gene will bring up in a meeting, the negative press you keep getting from dating me. Mr. Simmons pissed off because someone's in the spotlight and not him." You said, annoyed.

"See, that will get Eric to fly back early to be at the band meeting that Paul had set up. Eric will want to see Gene's face turn red while her ants and Paul laughs at him. So all in all, a win for the team." Tommy replied, smirking.

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