Part 28

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"Absolutely fucking not!" You yelled

"Oh, come on Y/N! Eric mentioned space before and you're gonna need me too if what's in those envelopes are as bad as Jeremy made them out to be," Tara replied

The mention of your father's name made your stomach churn. He hadn't been in your thoughts since the funeral. That chapter had been closed when you handed the realtor the keys to the house. Tara clapped her hands in front of your face, pulling your focus to her.

"you realize Tommy is probably beating the shit out of Eric right now because of your lie. We just got back together and need our time without you in the guest room," you hissed.

The two of you glared at each other until the sound of laughter came from the front of the plane. You raised an eyebrow as another fillip voice echoed in the cabin. Listening for a few minutes, you went into a fit of laughter, realizing what the guitarist has done.

"Is that Paul? Why are they talking to Paul?!" Tara panicked

"Oh, see, Paul is the one that everyone calls for relationship help or to disappear. So you told Tommy that there was a problem in your paradise, so Mr. Stanley is now in office," you replied, unbuckling your seat belt.

"Oh my god, we thought we had it planned so perfectly," she said, following behind you.

The two of you walked toward the front of the plane finding Tommy sitting next to the drummer, trying to hide his smile. Paul was laying into Eric the same way he had both you and the guitarist, never giving the younger man a chance to speak. You heard your best friend chuckle behind you, making the area go completely silent.

"Who was that?" Paul asked.

"It's me and Tara, Paul. It looks like you got two more going through relationship problems," You said, looking at the phone.

You saw the singer grin and shake his head at your comment. Paul had become a close friend quickly, and it was another positive person you needed in your life. He freely listened but gave his point of view, even if it may hurt. The singer had become the big brother you never had. Tommy stood up and grabbed Tara's arm, pulling her to take his seat.

"Hello you two. Now can someone please tell me why I'm being called to solve everyone's relationship problems?" the singer asked.

"Because you think you're superman and won't let people solve their own issues." Erin called from the back.

"I asked them, not you! Just wait until I get off of this video chat," Paul replied.

"Can you please make sure you shut down the app this time? That was quite a show last time," Eric replied.

Tommy held his hand up to stop you from asking all the questions that were circling in your head. He gave a wave to the camera and then grabbed your hand, pulling you down the aisle to the back of the plane. You chuckled as you heard the loud groan coming from your best friend.

"I can't believe they did that." You replied.

"She just wants to protect you. I just wish both of you would give me a chance to prove I can." Tommy said, as the two of you reached your seats.

"Well, now, you have the time in the world to prove it more than you already have." You replied, squeezing his hand.

"I'm going to hold you to that, Y/N." the guitarist said

"We both have a lot to prove to each other, Tommy, without running away from each other or getting drunk when we are upset." You replied.

Tommy wrapped his arm around you as he kissed the top of your head. You pulled away and kissed his lips and ran your thumb across the stubble on his chin. He smiled at you and pulled you close for you to lay your head on his shoulder.

"Rest Y/N, you're going to need your strength," Tommy said.

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