Part 30

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Next Morning

"How are you already awake and dressed before me? This has never happened since we've been dating," Tommy said.

You grinned at the guitarist and studied him for a moment before answering his question. He was standing on the second set of steps to the staircase bare chested in his traditional checkerboard lounge pants, and hair sticking up in every direction. Tommy still looked like he could use six more hours of sleep, but like clockwork was up by ten, making you shake your head. You continued to study his face, seeing the thick five o'clock shadow growing around the guitarist's jaw, making you wonder if the man could actually pull off having facial hair if he wasn't in KISS. Tommy cleared his throat, bringing your attention back to the present, and you took a sip of your coffee to clear your dry throat.

"Three words, YOU SNORE LOUDLY," You replied, sitting the cup down.

"I do not! You must hear yourself," Tommy said, walking into the kitchen.

He kissed your cheek before grabbing his own coffee mug and filling it. You continued to watch the news from the breakfast nook, feeling Tommy's eyes on you as he doctored up his coffee. You knew he had something on his mind that he wanted to ask, but was trying to gauge the right moment to bring it up, making you even more nervous. The guitarist took the seat across from you, giving you a lazy smile that meant he was up to no good.

"What?" You asked.

"How did you sleep?" Tommy asked

"That's not what you were going to ask me, and you know it! You are always trying to play like you are a gentleman." You said with a laugh.

The question made you cringe, not wanting the first full day home to be started off with talking about the past, especially about your childhood. It had been filled with nightmares over your parents' last fight, the one that made her take the baby and leave forever. The thoughts of the ass beating you took after your mom pulled the old chevy truck out of the driveway still made you tremble. It was a secret from that night that even your best friend didn't know about, and you didn't know if you even wanted Tommy to know more about how mean spirited your father was.

"Babe?" Tommy asked, tapping your hand

"I'm sorry I spaced out for a moment. I didn't sleep well, but can we talk about something else and come back to that later, please? Let's have some breakfast and then make a plan for the day." You said, getting up from your seat

"I know what I want to do," He replied, grabbing your hand as you walked past him.

"Let me guess. It requires fewer clothes than what either of us is wearing now? You promised to give me a tour of the land remember," You replied, smacking his hand away.

Tommy grabbed you around the waist and pulled you up onto his lap, laughing as you smacked his hands away. He gripped you against him for a few moments, running his calloused fingers softly down your arm. Sighing, you leaned into his touch, laying your head on his shoulder and breathing in his scent. The guitarist pulled away from you after a few minutes and kissed your forehead, lingering for a moment as though he were trying to take away the negative thoughts you were having.

"You really don't want to go out today, do you?" You asked.

The guitarist tilted his head to the side and gave you the shy grin you had fallen in love with two months prior. You ran your hand across his face, feeling the rough stubble and your mind wondering how it would feel down against other areas of your body. Tommy grabbed your chin, pulling your attention back to him.

"I think we need a few more hours of sleep before we go out, don't you?" He whispered, his mouth inches above yours.

"I'm not sleepy anymore," you whispered

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