Part 23

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The guitarist slammed the phone down and pointed at you with a scowl painted across his face. He opened his mouth and then quickly closed it as though he was trying to control his anger. The bathroom door opened and Eric and Tara tiptoed out, looking startled by the yelling they had heard from the bathroom moments before. You held your arms up, waiting for Tommy to say something about the conversation that had just happened.

"If you would have just heard me out and not run away like a teenager. We could be home now, in our bed that hasn't been infected with Elf Boy's juices. Is this how it's going to be if you get your feelings hurt and I've gotta call everyone to get you back home to a stable life again?" Tommy snapped,

"Tommy, calm down, okay? We all had too much to drink. My eye is proof of that. I'll call downstairs and have them bring up fresh sheets. This isn't Y/N's fault over how Doc is being right now, and you know it's because of Gene," Eric replied.

"No one asked you to come back for me Tommy, you as a grown man did it. I still have a house there and have the money to take a commercial flight. You tested me once. I wouldn't do it for a second time." You replied, glaring at him.

You and the guitarist glared at each other as Eric and Tara stared at you, not completely sure what to do. Pushing past your best friend, you walked out of the hotel room and headed down to the elevator. You decided to take a short walk to calm down, so you could stop yourself from ending the relationship for good because of your smart mouth. Just as you pushed the button to the elevator, you looked over your shoulder to see Tommy and Tara walking toward you. Immediately, you held your hand up, giving Tara the clear signal you wanted to be alone.

"Tommy, let her have a moment to herself. Eric is getting housekeeping up here and then you both can rest. Y/N will be back, right?" Tara asked.

"Maybe fifteen minutes, and I have my cell on me," You stated as the door opened

You looked up at the guitarist, seeing the pained look on his face before your best friend grabbed his arm. Letting out a deep breath, you pressed the floor for the lobby and checked the time on your phone. Four a.m in the morning, and all the drama from the previous night was continuing. You weren't sure if you should be mad at yourself, Gene, or Tara. The hope had been once you were back with Tommy, the fighting would ease up, which had become not the case. The sound of the lift doors opening pulled you out of the millions of thoughts hitting you like a ton of bricks.

"One normal day or night, that's all I want," you mumbled, as you walked out the front doors


(Tommy POV)

Tommy followed behind Tara, running his hands through his hair and trying to take deep breaths. Tara stood in front of the guitarist's hotel door, blocking him from going in. The guitarist raised his eyebrow, feeling the time bomb fuse being lit. Tara put both of her hands on his shoulder, staring deep into his brown eyes. Tommy felt his skin crawl, wondering if the woman was going to break some kind of bad news or was trying to decide rather or not to punch him back.

"She will not leave you again. Y/N goes for walks or drives when she needs to cool down. Tommy, she loves you and is just as scared as you are. I'm sorry about what Eric and I caused, and you can let him have it in the morning. I don't know what Gene's problem is, but it has you both on edge." Tara said,

"Paul's worried too. Let me just go talk to her and fix this. I shot my mouth off, and that's what I put in my room at 5 am. I went through hell when she left. Tara, no matter how many times you try to reassure me. I will always have that doubt in the back of my mind that she will go back to Oklahoma and settle for that abusive asshole. Why does she run from the possibility of having the life she deserves? I want her forever, even though it's been a few short months. I want to ask her to marry me and for us to have a family." the guitarist replied.

Tara looked up at him, teary-eyed, and then hugged the guitarist tightly. Tommy held his hands in the air, not sure how to handle this situation either. The room door opened with Eric looking at the two of them with confusion as normal dancing on his face. The guitarist grabbed your best friend and passed her over to the drummer. He pushed them into the room and then walked over to the telephone.

"Hey this Tommy Thayer in room 312 and I need fresh sheets for my room. Also, is it possible to get some for room 314 as well? Apparently my bandmate is a pig. We appreciate it." The guitarist said, glaring at the drummer.

"Why did you get sheets for our room?" Eric asked.

"I'm sure you two need them. Now stay here until the housekeeper gets her, and Eric, make sure you tip them well. I'm going to find my girlfriend. Once we are back, I don't want to even hear a yawn from you two until the plane ride home. Got it?" Tommy said sternly.

"Yes, sir," Eric replied

"Tommy, I told you to wait and let her come back. She's probably at some diner," Tara said, cringing immediately.

The guitarist smiled at her response and ran out of the door before either of them could stop them. Jogging to the lift, pressing the button for the doors to open like an impatient toddler. Tommy jumped into the doors as soon as they opened, punching the lobby button. He thought back to his conversation with Eric about your mom being committed and if he should be the one to tell you, or let your best friend do it. The ding of the elevator pulled Tommy from his thoughts.

"Thank god," Tommy replied as the door opened, and walked toward the receptionist

He waited patiently for the man and woman behind the counter to stop their conversation so he could ask his question. Finally, after a few minutes, the woman turned around, looking embarrassed that a customer had been waiting for help, as she held a personal conversation. Tommy held his hand up, giving her a silently answer that everything was fine.

"Can you tell me where the nearest diner is?" Tommy asked.

"There's one just around the corner," the woman replied

Tommy ran out the door, ignoring the receptionist's additional comment, not wanting to waste any more time to find you. He strolled around the corner, looking on both sides of the street to see if he could spot you. Finally, his eyes landed on you, sitting on a bench just as Tara had said in front of a diner. Tommy watched as you looked up at the sky and, talking, the guitarist leaned against the brick wall, listening to you.

"Why did you have to do this, pops? You could have just stayed out of that fight and I would have some type of family. Even though you were abusive, at least I had a parent that did not abandon me. You left me with so many questions and now I can't get the answers too. I love and hate you, but I have to make my peace with it. You could have met Tommy and seen what happiness I have, what you could have had." You said, wiping your eyes.

Tommy pushed away from the wall and wiped the few tears from his eyes, knowing that pain you let float up to the sky was one he would never be ever to fix. He moved toward the bench, watching you turn around at the sound of his footsteps. You rolled your eyes at him and shook your head, pissed off he had found you quickly.

"Tara told me where you would be. Did you think as your boyfriend I was going to let you roam the street at this time of night?" He asked.

"I'm gonna kill that blabbermouth." You replied.

"Y/N, I heard what you said just a few minutes ago, and we really need to go inside and talk. There is something I need to let you know." Tommy said.

"Tell me now, Why do we need to go in and eat?" You asked.

Tommy grabbed your hand and pulled you toward the diner, knowing a public place would be the best spot for you not to cause a big scene

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