Part 38

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Tommy clasped your hand in his as the two of you walked up the driveway to his home. The two of you occasionally glanced at each other, but neither knew what to say to make the situation better. You let out a deep sigh as the guitarist stopped at the front door, searching his pockets for the house keys. The entire day had gone from a blessing to a nightmare in less than five hours. Tommy unlocked the door and turned to face you, running his hand through his hair as he let out a deep sigh.

"Y/N, I just want to apologize for all this," Tommy said

"Tommy please don't, nothing you can say will change what i just saw," You replied

"Now you know how I feel, after the text messages and seeing you with that bastard ex boyfriend of yours in Oklahoma," the guitarist said, walking into the house.

"Excuse me?" You asked, as you followed behind him, slamming the door shut.

The two of you stood in the hallway staring at each other with anger dripping off of you. The guitarist folded his arms in front of his chest with a slight smirk, making you want to smack it off of his face. You both had put each other through hell over the last six months with the constant jealousy and fighting. Anxiety flooded over your body as you wondered if you had made the right decision to come back home with Tommy at all. You pulled off Tommy's jacket and hung it on the doorknob next to you before you walked toward the guitarist with your hands on your hips.

"Listen to me, Thayer! I didn't cheat on you with Kevin. Kevin never kissed me like you let a whore do to you, and I damn sure didn't do it in front of half of my family. I love you and came back here to make a life with you, but clearly you want to be Mister Rockstar and keep playing the field, so be my guest. Go back to your sister's house and make up with your ex-wife. I'll be out of here tomorrow," You replied.

"Oh, my god! How stupid can you be? You didn't hear what I said to her because you stormed off just like you always do!" Why would I want to be with someone that tore my heart into a million pieces? I love you, but of course you are just looking for a way out the door like you have been since the Kruise ended. Y/N, if you want to leave, I'll call Doc in the morning and get you a plane ticket out of here. I will not spend the rest of my life walking on eggshells to prove that I love you." Tommy shouted at you,

"Fuck you Tommy! Why wait, huh? Why not just call him now to get the band more involved in your love life?" You yelled.

The tears filled your eyes as the two of you stood in front of each other breathing heavily. You threw your hands up in the air and turned to walk away from the guitarist. He let out a growl and grabbed your arm, pulling you back toward him. You opened your mouth to protest, but Tommy shook his head at you instantly, making you shut up. The guitarist held you at arm's length for a moment before he slammed his mouth against your lips, kissing you roughly. You pulled away from the guitarist and attempted to push the man away, confused by the whole encounter.

"What are you doing? I hate you," You whispered.

"You do not, baby girl. Now shut up and kiss me," He whispered back.

Tommy placed both of his hands on your hips and leaned his forehead against yours, staring deep into your eyes for a few moments. You looked up at his dark brown eyes, seeing the same fear dancing across them as you felt coursing through your body. The tears fell down your face and you let out a shaky breath before you kissed the guitarist's lips softly, feeling him let out a deep breath. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to you as the two of you continued to exchange small kisses between each other. The guitarist ran his hands down to your ass, lifting you up. Wrapping your legs tightly around his waist, you pulled Tommy's hair as he pushed his tongue into your mouth and carried you toward the stairs.

The two of you explored the other's mouth as Tommy pushed you up against the wall near the staircase, running his hand down your chest and squeezed each of your breasts, making you break the kiss as you moaned out in pleasure. Tommy grinned at you and moved his lips to your neck, placing delicate kisses from your earlobe to collar bone. He swiped his tongue across the exposed skin before sinking his teeth into your neck, making you pull his hair tighter as you held him close. The guitarist chuckled softly before he sucked at the tender spot, leaving a mark that couldn't be hidden. He pulled away and looked you in the eye as he ran his fingers down your face, the two of you trying to catch your breath.

"Please stay with me baby, let me show you how much I love you and how sorry I am for all this bullshit," He pleaded

"Tommy, I don't know if this is such a good idea. We are apparently bad for each other," You replied.

"No, we are good for each other sweetheart, just trust me, okay? I'll do anything to keep you by my side. Just please stay, okay?" Tommy asked, as his lips hovered above yours.

"Okay, Tommy, but this is the last time," you whispered

He nodded his head in agreement and moved his lips to kiss you just as both of your cell phones rang. The two of you looked at each other and let out a deep groan before separating from one another. You ran your hand through your hair, seeing your best friend's name flash across the screen. Tommy cussed under his breath as he looked down at his device, making you shake your head at him. You turned to see Eric's name flash across his screen and you that Tara had told the drummer everything you had witnessed.

"I'm going to go talk to Tara upstairs. I think the interruption was needed," You replied, as you pushed past the guitarist.

"I still want to talk to you, Y/N," Tommy said, from behind you

"You talk to Eric first and then we'll talk in the morning. I'll be in the guest bedroom if you need me," You replied, as you swiped the answer button on your iPhone.

You took a deep breath, hearing both Eric and Tara yelling back and forth at each other as you walked into the guest bedroom, shutting the door behind you. Walking toward the bed, you laid down and let out a deep breath as you fought off the incoming tears. You cleared your throat, hearing the yelling stop for a minute before you heard Eric yelling at someone else. Tara let out a deep sigh and cleared her own throat before she came across the line.

"What the hell took you so long to answer the phone? Eric is trying to get ahold of Lord Douche too," Tara snapped into the phone.

"I was trying to talk to Tommy since it took you forever to get back to me. What took you so long is the real question," You asked.

"I had to wake up Eric since it's after midnight here and it took a little longer than expected. Have you decided yet?" Tara asked.

You looked back at the door and let out a deep sigh as the tears freely fell down your face, unsure of how to answer your best friend's question. You choked back a sob as the image of Tommy and Amber locked together flashed in your mind. Tara tried to console you as you sobbed into the phone to your best friend as your heart crumbled into a thousand pieces.

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