Part 6

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(Reader POV)

Tara walked into your room, shaking you awake and pulling the covers off at the same time. You sat up in the bed and glared, noticing she was holding her cell phone away from her ear and grinning down at you. Throwing your hands up silently asking for more information on why she rudely wake you up while on the phone with someone. She mouthed "it's Tommy", making you jump up from the bed and attempt to take the device away from her. Tara moved away from you and slapped your hand away, walking back to the door, cracking it slightly.

"Hey Tommy, Y/N just woke up and is trying to get her bearings. I'll let her know you called but since you're still with Paul, do you want her to text you or do you want to call her when you all are back in California? Okay, will do," Tara replied, hanging up the phone.

"Bitch, you better get back in this room and tell me what the hell is going on right now!" You yelled.

"Well, if you're going to talk to me like this, then you can just wait until you're not so fucking cranky." She called from the other side of the door.

You pulled the door opened and grabbed her by the shirt, jerking her into the room, attempting to ignore the hysterical laughter. Tara pulled away from you and sat down on your bed, patting the spot next to her, the smile on her face dropping and changing to a more serious look. Your heart dropped to your stomach, wondering what the guitarist had really told Tara. Sinking down to the spot on your bed, waiting for the bad news that you thought was about to be laid on you. Tara patted your leg and looked you dead in the face for a few seconds.

"Are you hungry?" Tara asked

"Do you want to die? Tell me what he said Tara Marie!" You yelled.

"Shut up! Eric doesn't know my middle name!" She hissed, trying to put her hand over your mouth.

"Tell me what Tommy said, or I'm going to wake Eric up myself and give him all the dirt about you." You replied, attempting to stand up..

Tara grabbed your arm and pulled you right back down to the bed, glaring at you, knowing you had enough embarrassing stories to use against her. Some that would probably make even the drummer blush. You turned your head to the side and tapped your foot impatiently, waiting for Tara to open her mouth and quit with the game. The flash of your phone caught both of your attention. Your friend moved over to the side table and pressed the screen, her previously mischievous grin plastered across her face. You attempted to grab it from her, but she smacked your hand away.

"Okay, I will tell you, but you have to make me one promise, and if you ever break it while I'm here, our friendship will be over. Got it?" She asked, holding up her pinkie.

You became scared of what the promise could be that your best friend would end a lifetime friendship over. You blinked a few times at your friend and nodded your head slowly at her in agreement. Tara extended her pinkie closer to you and cupped her ear, waiting for you to speak up. Rolling your eyes, you hooked pinkie against hers and waited for your friend to continue.

"You will never speak to Kevin again, any secret text, social media. If you see him in public, you will run the other way," Tara said.

"I promise, actually one step ahead of you and blocked him everywhere. I don't want him to get in the way of being with Tommy if he will ever talk to me again or consider dating me again." You replied, shrugging slightly.

"Well, would you rather listen to the voicemail now or have me leave the room?" Tara asked.

"Will, you just fucking tell me what he said? What does the phone have anything to do with any of this," you yelled, grabbing the phone.

You picked the phone up and saw who had left the voicemail feeling regret smack you in the face. You turned back around, seeing Tara grinning at you, not at all offended by your dramatic outburst. Taking a deep breath, you pressed the screen and brought the phone to your ear. The sound of the guitarist's raspy voice brought tears to your eyes.

"Y/N, it's Tommy, and I know you probably don't want to talk to me after everything I said and how I reacted the other night about your ex. I understand completely because I've been on that side of the fence before. I meant it when I said I loved you, that won't change. You were right when you said I should have talked to you about the text, but there was more behind that blow-up than I could explain there. I'd like to have one more conversation with you just to say goodbye if you want it to be over. Let me know, bye." Tommy said into the phone.

You put the phone back on the end table and covered your face, sobbing uncontrollably into your hands. Tara moved off of the bed and wrapped her arms around you tightly. You wept into your best friend's shoulder for a solid five minutes. Tara pulled away from you and turned away from you, wiping a few tears away from her own eyes. You smiled knowing even after all these years your best friend tried to pretend she was a hardass.

"Okay Are you done with the waterworks? Tommy is still traveling with Paul to California but said to text or call if you want to. If it was me, I would kick you out of this room right now and jumping on the phone with Eric. Then again, we would have just fought and then had the angry makeup sex. Instead of leaving in the middle of the night." Tara told you.

"First, you will do anything to have sex with your boyfriend. I've seen you pick fights over the dumbest stuff just so you could get laid." You replied with a chuckle, grabbing your phone.

"Well have fun, and remember you have company so if you decide to have phone sex tell us so we can put headphones on," she replied, opening the door.

"Where do you think you're going? I need your help with this I don't know what to say to him!" You replied, grabbing her arm.

"Okay, okay, I'll help if you let me go. You are pinching me and I bruise like a peach," Tara laughed, smacking your hand away.

You pushed your friend back toward the bed and grabbed your phone, selecting the guitarist's number. You stared down at the blank screen, trying to figure out what would be the best thing to say after just up and leaving Tommy with no explanation. Tara put her hand on your shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze. You sighed and began typing as quickly as you could. After a few minutes, you handed the phone over to your best friend to look over so you could press send.

"Wow, this is how you really feel?" Tara asked, handing the phone back over to you.

You looked your best friend straight in the eye and nodded your head at her. You stared down at the message one more time and pressed sendal, as the familiar feeling of the elephant sitting on your chest as you anxiously waited for the guitarist's reply.

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