Part 26

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You shot up in bed and looked at the guitarist, confused by what he had said. Tommy ran a hand down his face and attempted to pull you back down to the bed, clearly too exhausted to have another fight start. Pushing him away, you sat in front of him and waved your hands for him to explain himself. The guitarist let out a deep groan and sat up to face you.

"Honey, I'm crying because of how hard you've had it. Please let me find out more information before we go down this rabbit hole. You know you don't want to be broken-hearted if we can't find her or your brother. What if they reject you? We know Gene makes up shit for the love of the drama. He should have the shit stirrer title, not Eric." Tommy replied.

"I'm your girlfriend, Tommy. You took me downstairs like it was a big deal over the tara and eric thing, but failed to mention this. It's been almost thirty years since I've seen either of them, and if they are alive, then I still have some family. I don't want to be left to really feel like an orphan." You said, feeling tears.

"Y/N, you have me and the rest of the KISS family. We will be here for you, no matter what. I promise you once we get home and rest some, I will get as many people as I can to look into this, okay?" the guitarist replied, putting his hands on your thighs.

You nodded your head and let out a giant yawn, making Tommy laugh. Looking at him with a scowl on your face, you laid back down in your spot, pulling the covers tightly around your body. You smiled as the guitarist wrapped himself around you, kissing your cheek, making you grab his hand and giving it a tight squeeze. Sleep took over within seconds with the faint mumbling of Tommy's voice in your ear.

"I love you, Y/N, and I promise everything is going to be okay," the guitarist said, before his soft snores filled the room.


Next Morning

The two of you stood outside of Eric's hotel room door with your bags sitting to the side. Tommy smirked at you, waiting for you to give him the okay to pay back your best friend for the chaos they had caused the night before. Rolling your eyes and nodding your head, the guitarist banged on the door, sounding like the police. You listened as you heard the cussing of your best friend, knowing she had a hangover from the depths of hell after the many margaritas she had consumed.


"What the hell are you doing?" You whispered.

"Um being annoying, duh," The guitarist replied, as the door opened

The two of you turned to find Eric standing in his purple Lakers boxers and his hair sticking out all over the place. The drummer glared at the sight of Tommy, as you looked over his shoulder seeing Tara rubbing her temple, a clear sign she was beyond the point of having a hangover. Tommy pushed Eric out of the way, grabbing your hand and pulling you into the room with him.

"Sure Tommy, just come right on in, it's not like we weren't sleeping or anything." Eric grumbled.

"Well, the brief note last night said you owed us breakfast before the flight out. You know our pilot doesn't like to wait around so you two get presentable." Tommy ordered.

"Tommy Thayer, be nice! Just because you didn't get laid because of some issues doesn't mean you should be a dick," You said.

"Oh Y/N, you do not know how mean he is to me on tour. Can you give me fifteen minutes since it takes that one over an hour? I know you don't want us showering together because that will take significantly longer." the drummer smirked.

Tommy pointed to the bathroom, making Eric frown and grab his clothes, mumbling under his breath like a child being scowled. Tara looked over at you and held her arms up, an unspoken sign that she needed a hug. You looked at the guitarist with a frown on your face before walking toward your best friend. As soon as you sat next to her, Tara had her arms wrapped around you, with tears soaking your white t-shirt. Looking over at Tommy, you saw the uncomfortable confusion written all over his face as he attempted to avoid eye contact with the two of you.

"What's wrong?" You whispered.

"I don't know if I want to go home with Eric or not. It's pretty clear he is pushing me away because of that bastard. Eight years sober and people still judge my past," she said, pulling away.

"Do you want me to talk to him?" Tommy asked,

"No, I think last night was enough, and that goes for you as well, missy," Tara replied, pointing at you.

"I actually need to talk to you about my mom. Gene told Tommy yesterday that he knew where she was. Did my dad say anything to you? I know he called you twice when I didn't come back home after the Kruise." You said.

"Did you not find the second envelope? I have one that Kevin gave me from your dad to give to you. The bastard said there was one in the kitchen too," She asked, standing up.

"I found the one in the kitchen. I thought it was more bills or stuff Pops needed taken care of." You replied, raising an eyebrow.

You watched Tarra walk to one of the larger suitcases in the room. She dug through her clothing, cursing under her breath as she searched around until Tara's hands landed on a larger envelope. Jumping at the feeling of two hands on your shoulders, you looked up to see Tommy standing right behind you, waiting for Tara. Your best friend turned around and handed you the dark brown package with your name scribbled across it, with handwriting you didn't recognize.

"What the fuck is going on?" You mumbled, attempting to open it.

Tommy turned you around to look at him and slowly took the item out of your hand. You scowled at him in protest, trying to take it back from him. Tara grabbed your arm and pulled you back to sit beside her while the guitarist walked toward the door and opened his suitcase. Watching him closely as the guitarist unzipped his suitcase and put the large envelope in there. You went to stand up and were instantly pulled back down by your best friend, again being made to look at her.

"Y/N, You can't get mad at him for doing that. Tommy loves you, and I know what he is thinking. It would be best for you to be home when you opened both packages or whatever the hell was in them. You need to be in a stable place with a healthy person, okay?" Tara said sternly.

"You two know what's in there, don't you? Thats why you don't want me to open them right now with you two in the fucking room. Knowing how important it is for me to know I have one family member alive, you two still want to treat me like that scared little five-year-old. This isn't fair!" you yelled.

"Before you say anything you are going to regret, shut your mouth now and let's go down to the diner while we wait. Do not say another word about those envelopes until we are at home. Do you understand me? Tara, the place is just around the corner. We can talk about if you are going to go back to Oklahoma there, too. We will see you in an hour." Tommy said sternly.

Your mouth hung open as you watched the guitarist glare at you for a moment before walking out the door and slamming it behind him. Both you and Tara jumped at the sudden outburst, before the two of you turned to each other, confused by what the hell had just taken place.

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