Part 17

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Tommy shook his head as he led you out of the kitchen, hearing the other couple's comments and whistles. He let go of your hand and snaked his arm around your hips, smiling down at you seeing the red tint on your cheeks from the whole situation. The guitarist rubbed his callous thumb around the smooth exposed skin around your hip, as he guided you through the downstairs area. You stopped every few rooms to look at the decor.

"Sweetheart, this is like when I took you to the beach when you first came home with me. If we don't hurry a bit, we will lose the opportunity." Tommy whispered in your ear, and pulled you along with him.

"I'm sorry, it's just all so pretty," You whispered.

"Yeah I know, but I need sometime with my beautiful girlfriend without interruptions, and not just for sex either before your mind goes there," He replied.

He grabbed your hand and led you down the hallway to one of the biggest bathrooms you had seen in the entire house. Tommy pushed you softly into the room, and shut the door behind him quietly, locking it. He grinned and leaned against the counter, as he watched you walk around the large room, gazing at the large tub, shower, and stopping at the sink next to Tommy, staring at the hair products, body sprays, and facial cleanser.

"Wow, this is a lot of products for one woman," You said, looking up at Tommy

"Oh, this is Paul's bathroom. Notice the shave kit and the autograph picture over there," Tommy replied, pointing at the wall.

"I'm guessing you didn't want to come in here to give me a tour of what Paul uses to keep his face looking so young. So what's up," You asked.

"What do you want to be upright, Y/N?" Tommy asked, smirking at you slightly.

"Oh, you wipe the smirk right off of your face right now, mister! We are not having sex in this bathroom. Paul will kill us," You said.

"If he kills me after making love to you, then it was all worth it. Paul's going to be pissed anyway when he finds his stuff all out-of-order like this," the guitarist replied, as he tilted a picture frame.

"Stop that!" you whispered,

"Why don't you make me Y/N?" Tommy asked, walking toward you.

You moved away from the counter and headed toward the door, shaking your head the whole time at the guitarist. Tommy pushed you up the bathroom wall and put his finger to his lips, signalling for you to stay quiet. Glaring at him, you pushed on his chest, trying to move the guitarist away from you, but he wouldn't move. Instead, Tommy grabbed your hands with his own and held them above your head, while you looked back at him licking your suddenly dry lips and biting your bottom lip.

The guitarist ran his free hand down your body, caressing everything he came across, holding eye contact with you the whole time. Tommy smirked down at the fake annoyed look you had dancing across your face, knowing you were enjoying everything just as much as he was. He brushed his lips against yours slightly, pulling away to see the small pout on your face.

"What's the matter, sweetheart?" Tommy whispered, holding your hands tighter. Mister,

"Stop toying with me, mister," You whispered, annoyed.

"What do you want, Y/N? This?" He asked, brushing his lips against yours.

Tommy kissed your lips over and over, pulling away just as your mouth, just as you responded to him. You let out another frustrated groan. The guitarist moved his lips up to your temple, pecking it, letting out a deep, content sigh. He nudged your legs apart with his own shoe, moving his lips to the left side of your face, placing feather-like kisses down your cheek, trailing down to your neck, kissing the spot just below your ear. You let out a surprise gasp as Tommy blew his hot breath against your cool skin.

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