Part 7

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"I've never been happier to see my house," Paul said, exiting his car.

Tommy shook his head, wondering if he should drop the bombshell that Eric was not in California and the big meeting wasn't going to happen as expected. The guitarist followed behind Paul through the door, instantly greeted by three of the singer's children. Tommy smiled down at them all and watched them crawl all over their father, fighting for his undivided attention. The sound of someone clearing their throat made both men shoot their heads up to find Paul's wife Erin staring at all five of them.

"When did you get home?" Erin asked.

"About three minutes ago. Everything okay?" Paul asked, standing up.

"Oh, it's something that you can deal with later for me. NOT in the way you're thinking either, so wipe that smirk off your face," she replied, walking to Tommy

"It's good to see you, Erin. I'm sorry about all the troubles. Superhero over there decided to step in when he should have stayed out." Tommy said, hugging the woman.

"Yeah, after so many years of marriage, you'd think I'd be used to it by now. But let's all go eat, and then Paul can get you all set up," Erin replied, walking back toward the kitchen.

Tommy tried to hold back his amusement as Paul scowled at both the younger man and wife. After the six hours of torture, it was nice to see someone paying back the singer for all his cruelness. The guitarist picked up the couple's youngest daughter, Emily, carrying her behind the rest of the family, and took his place at the table.

"You fit the uncle role well there, Thayer. Maybe one day you will be chasing around a couple of little ones yourself." Paul replied.

"Let's just see if I can repair my relationship, then talk about marriage and kids," Tommy replied, digging into his food.


A few hours later,

Tommy flopped down on the bed in the guest house, thankful to have some time alone to collect his thoughts. His mind had been on the conversation he had with Tara about you calling him back. Knowing Tara, she probably was still hounding you over the breakup like Paul had him for the last day. Tommy rolled over and grabbed his phone, feeling a smile pull at his lips as he looked down at the screen. Seeing your message.

"I'm sorry for how everything went down and for leaving you to deal with Paul instead of talking to you face to face. Hopefully, you will be willing to see if we really want to work this crazy relationship of ours out. I love you," the message read.

Crossing his fingers, Tommy pressed the call button on his phone and waited patiently as he waited for you to pick up the phone. After what seemed to be an eternity, a sleep-filled voice came across the other end, taking the guitarist's breath away for a second. Tommy swallowed twice, trying to fix his suddenly dry throat so he could actually speak to you and not have you hang upon him.

"Tommy, are you there?" You asked.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, it just took me back for a second that you actually answered. I see you got my voicemail." Tommy said, putting the phone on speaker.

"Well, I see you got my text, but we can play this game back and forth, or we hold an actual conversation." You laughed.

"How are you doing there? I know dealing with the bullshit I put you through and then the funeral its gotta be tough. Then you gotta deal with Eric," The guitarist replied.

"Thankfully, he's been asleep most of the day, so no Elf boy antics yet. As for me, that's a loaded question. Honestly, Tommy. I'm planning my father's funeral, and you're not here with me all because of two stupid incidents." You told him.

Tommy tried to think of the best answer to comfort you with being 3,000 miles away from you. He knew what he wanted to do to help you, but it would piss off Paul, especially once the singer found out that Eric was also in Oklahoma with his girlfriend. The guitarist shook his head and decided to test the water first.

"Do you want me to come there? Tommy asked.

"You can't drop everything and come out here. That would be unfair for me to even ask you to do that for me. Especially after everything I did." You said.

"You did nothing wrong at all, baby, so don't blame yourself, okay? I was the one that turned into a jealous boy instead of acting like a man, walking you up and talking about all of it. You're my girlfriend, and I want to be there, so stop avoiding my question." Tommy pushed.

The line was quiet for a few seconds, and then the sound of uncontrollable sobbing broadcast across the room. Tommy put his hand on his forehead and waited for you to calm down, knowing that he had probably pressed you too hard. After a few minutes, you cleared your throat and came across the line, giving the guitarist an answer that shook him to his core.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" The guitarist asked.

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