Part 46

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(Reader POV)

Later That Night

"Goddamn baby girl, you look beautiful in that dress! I dont know if I want to take you out now. Some guy may try to steal my girl," Tommy said, as he stood in the door frame.

"Oh, stop, you know I only have eyes for you, honey, but you are a knockout in that suit. Where are you taking us?" you asked as you turned away from the mirror.

"Just a nice little Italian restaurant, just you, me, and our crazy best friends. I was thinking though you and me take a walk on the beach. You remember the one I took you to when you first moved here?" the guitarist replied.

"The one that you threw me in the water? Sure, that place was beautiful," you replied.

Tommy walked into the room and wrapped his arms around your waist as he looked at you in the mirror. He slowly kissed the side of your neck as he flexed his hips into you, making you grin back at him. You turned around and kissed his lips roughly before you pushed him away and grabbed your purse and attempted to walk out the bedroom as the doorbell started to ringing. Tommy let out a groan and swatted your ass before grabbing your hand leading down the staircase. The guitarist jogged to the front door where Tara and Eric stood dressed immaculate.

"Wow, you actually can clean up," Tommy said

"Shut up, you know I hate wearing a tie," Eric said

"You look very handsome, though. Are we ready?" Tara asked..

You nodded your head and grabbed the guitarist's arm, letting him lead you out the door to see a stretched out limo in the driveway. Tommy took his hand and lifted your chin, closing your mouth, as you turned to look at him. He flashed a smile at you and grabbed your hand again, pulling you toward the car, holding the door open for you. You stopped and kissed his lips again before you cleared your throat, trying to find the words to say.

"Its just to celebrate almost a year of being with you. I figured the limo would be helpful, so we could all have a few drinks." Tommy said.

"We know how you get after a few drinks," You replied, as you climbed into the car

Tara smiled and slid over next to you, wrapping her arm around you as she laughed. You pulled away from you and looked at her in the face, seeing she was hiding a secret from you. Tommy slid in beside you, with Eric climbing over the three of you. You grabbed Tara's hand and pulled her down to where she couldn't see Tommy. She shook her head at you and put her finger to your lips and moved her mouth to your ear. You listened carefully before turning to Tommy and then back to your best friend, feeling the butterflies grow in your stomach.

"It's going to be a wonderful night for you, my friend. Just keep an open mind, okay?" Tara said.

"I will keep an open mind, but I don't think it's going to be what you think it is," You replied

"Just keep your eyes open Y/N and your heart," She replied.


(Tommy POV)

20 minutes later

The guitarist grabbed Tara by the arm as the four of you walked into the restaurant. Tommy made sure that his bandmate had your attention before he turned back to your best friend and held out his hand. Tara reached into her bag and pulled out the ring box, handing it back to the guitarist. Tommy took a deep and open the small box, looking at the sparkling ring in front of him. He tried to think of the words to say to show his appreciation for you, but thought it best to speak from the heart.

"You better treat her like a queen, or I will fly down here and kick your ass. That is a promise, my friend," Tara said.

"I promise I will treat her like a queen always and if we have a little girl, she will be my princess," Tommy replied

"Are you guys pregnant?" Tara asked.

"Not yet, but we are trying, so keep that to yourself. Now, do you know the plan?" the guitarist asked.

"Yes, after dinner we ride with you all to the beach and then disappear for a few minutes while you do your thing. I made sure the camera had plenty of film too before you ask," She replied.

"Good, now let's get in there before they think we ran away together," He said, motioning for her to follow him.

Tommy walked in and took your hand, leading you to the table far in the back of the restaurant and felt his pocket, feeling the box bulging out. He tried to make it through dinner without giving away any signs that he was a nervous wreck. He avoided eye contact with you for the rest of dinner, trying to get through it without passing out on the floor. The guitarist could feel the buzz the off the alcohol taking over him and he just prayed he could get his word out coherently.

"Are you okay?" You whispered, before taking a sip of wine.

"I'm great baby, how are you?" Tommy asked as he took a sip of water.

"I'm fine but you've been acting weird since we got here and what were you and tara spending so much time talking about," you replied

"Ill show you when we get to the beach. Please, just eat your dinner and not worry about a thing. It's all going to be worth it," he whispered.

"Id like to make a toast," Eric said, standing up

"Oh, lord" You replied

"To new friends and new beginnings! I hope you two will be as happy together at sixteen years as you are now at six months. We love you both," Eric replied.

The four of you clinked your wine glasses together before taking a swing. Tommy smiled at his best friend and stood up, walking over and giving the man a big hug before the server came over and took the table's order. It gave the guitarist enough time to settle his nervous and think clearly while the four of them ate peacefully. 

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