Part 39

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(Tommy POV)

The Next Day

The guitarist rolled over in bed and placed in his hand where your body should be, finding the spot still cold. He opened his eyes, seeing your side of the bed still neatly made, as the memories of the night before came back to haunt him. Amber had kissed him after a year of being divorced, ruining his relationship with you all because she was lonely and hated to see Tommy happy if it wasn't because of her. Tommy pulled the covers off of him and rubbed his eyes, looking at the clock, seeing it was only seven am. He let out an aggravated sigh and reached for his white t-shirt on the floor. Slowly, he pulled it over his head and walked out of his bedroom toward the guest bedroom by the stairs. He stopped in his tracks when he heard the faint sound of crying coming from behind the door.

"Y/N, Are you okay?" Tommy asked, as he knocked on the door

"Just go away Tommy, I'm not ready to talk to you," You replied.

"Please, just come down and have coffee with me. We need to talk about what happened last night. It's not what you think," the guitarist shouted from the hallway.

Tommy leaned against the door frame and listened to you cuss under your breath as you walked toward the door. He let out a sigh of relief at the sound of the door being unlocked and smiled softly as you opened the door. You looked like you had gotten little to no sleep, with your eyes bright red from crying. The guitarist held open his arms to hug you and held his breath as you looked from him, then back to the bed, unsure of what to do. After a moment of awkward silence, you shook your head and wrapped your arms around the guitarist's waist, taking him by surprise. Tommy ran his hands down your back and kissed the top of your head, doing everything he could think of to stop you from crying. You pulled away from him after a couple of minutes, black tears running down your face from the makeup you wore the night before. Tommy grabbed your chin and pulled your lips toward his until you both were sharing the same breath.

"I'm going to kiss you, is that okay?" Tommy asked, holding his breath as he waited for your response.

"Yes" You whispered

The guitarist pressed his lips against yours softly, feeling you shutter in response. He attempted to pull away from you, but was stopped when he felt your hands go to his hair, pulling his face back toward yours. You nipped at his lips, making the guitarist groan and push you up against the wall. The two of you exchanged slowly yet passionate kisses between one another, as Tommy wrapped one arm around your tiny waist while he placed a hand on the wall above your head to steady himself. Feeling the room suddenly spun from the small kiss. After a few minutes of the two of you exploring each other's mouth and fighting for dominance of the kiss, you broke away looking at Tommy with desire dancing in your eyes.

"Lets go lay back down," You replied, reaching for the guitarist hand

"Baby, hold on. Before we do that, I want to talk over breakfast first. Last night was rough for both of us, and I know you have a lot of doubts in your head. Sex isnt going to change either of our insecurities." Tommy said.

"Fine, but I need food before coffee. My stomach has been bothering me since we got back from Oklahoma," You replied.

"Do you think you are coming down with something?" Tommy asked, as he placed the palm of his hand on your forehead, checking for a fever.

"No, it's just my stomach, and mainly in the morning and midafternoon. I'm going to go shower and then we can head out. Remember, you promised me more sightseeing today," You replied, as you turned on your heels and headed toward the master bedroom.

Tommy shook his head and turned toward the stairs, jogging down them, heading toward the kitchen to start the espresso machine. He turned the device on and got two cups out of the cabinet, as his mind went to the conversation about you being sick. The guitarist felt his stomach drop as he thought of what the potential cause of the issue was. He looked up the stairs and ran a hand down his face as he listened to the machine start up.

"Could she be pregnant?" Tommy mumbled to himself.

The guitarist felt his knees grow weak, and he scrambled to pull out one of the bar stools to sit down in before he passed out. The two of you had never sat down and talked about what you wanted from this relationship or if kids were even an option. Tommy looked down the breakfast bar, seeing his cell phone laying in the same place he had left it the night before after he had gotten his ass chewed by Eric. He reached across the table and grabbed his phone, scanning through his contacts until he landed on Paul's number. The guitarist took a deep breath and hit the call button, knowing the singer would be up with his own children. After multiple rings, a husky voice came across the line.

"Paul, it's Tommy. I know it's early but I need your advice on something. Do you have a few minutes?" Tommy asked.

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