Part 5

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Tommy stood outside the corvette, holding his cell phone in his hand as he waited for his bandmate to come out of the third gas station. The guitarist tried to decide if it would be better to text you and pour out all of his feelings for you. Tommy knew if he called you on the phone, there was a chance he would cry, and he did not want to do it in front of his bandmate for a second time within a few hours. The guitarist knew what he needed to say and knew the response you gave Tommy could shatter his heart again. Tommy had felt hurt with his divorce, but there was something about you leaving that was more devastating. The guitarist looked through his contacts and went to click on your phone number as Paul walked out of the store, holding his stomach.

"Never am I going to eat that much junk food again!" Paul yelled as he headed toward his car

"That's what you say every time on every tour, and we still have this outcome. You destroying some gas station bathroom because you think you can eat whatever you want," Tommy replied, still focusing on the phone.

"One, I'm more fit than I was ever in my twenties. Two, you still haven't made up your damn mind about calling Y/N? You waited for over three hours! Either do it or give me the phone back." The singer stated.

"One, I had to wait an extra two hours because I had to drive the car because you are throwing up and had to change your pants. Two, this isn't as easy as you may think. What if you and Erin went through something like this at the beginning of your relationship? You think you could just pick up the phone and have all the right things to say? You may be smooth on stage and sometimes in interviews. Still, with your relationships, you 're just as shy and confused as I am, bonehead," the guitarist said, pointing at the singer.

"Give me my key, don't ever mention the pants thing around the guys, or I'll kill you. I still should kick your ass for not giving me the clean jeans unless I gave you the phone back! We were on the side of the road!" Paul said, holding out his hand.

"Well, you've been a dick this whole trip, so I say it's fair, and look at it this way, I didn't have my phone, so no videos or pictures were taken for further blackmail," Tommy replied, holding out the key.

"Make the fucking phone call and get in the goddamn car," Paul snapped, climbing in the car.

"Call your wife and give me 15 minutes, okay?" Tommy replied, walking away from the car.

Tommy walked toward the end of the parking lot and took a seat on the curb. He looked down at his phone and punched the call button, taking a shaky breath as the phone began to trill in his ear. The guitarist tapped his foot impatiently, waiting for you to answer the other end of the line. After multiple rings, the generic voicemail greeting came across the line, causing the guitarist to groan out. He held his breath, waiting for the recording to finish so he could get everything off his chest.

"Y/N, it's Tommy, and I know you probably don't want to talk to me after everything I said and how I reacted the other night about your ex. I understand completely because I've been on that side of the fence before. I meant it when I said I loved you. That won't change. You were right when you said I should have talked to you about the text, but there was more behind that blow-up than I could explain there. I'd like to have one more conversation with you just to say goodbye if you want it to be over. Let me know, bye." Tommy said into the phone.

The guitarist hung up the call and swiped over to Eric's number. Tommy looked over his shoulder to make sure Paul would not come and tackle him for using his phone longer than the time limit. Tommy fidgeted for a moment, debating instead to call Eric or go straight to Tara to get better help to settle everything once and for all. The guitarist nodded his head and moved down his contact list, clicking on Tara's photo. The phone rang twice before a chipper voice came across the line, taking Tommy by surprise for a few seconds.

"Tommy? Did you mean to call me, or are you looking for Eric?" Tara asked.

"Yeah, sorry. I got distracted for a second. Just calling you to see if you have called Y/N yet? I want to see where we stand with this relationship." Tommy replied.

"Actually, Eric and I are in Oklahoma with Y/N right now. We came to help with the funeral and just finished talking to her about the whole situation that happened the night before," she replied.

"Oh, really?" the guitarist replied, feeling his stomach hit the ground.

"Don't worry, Thayer! I'm not gonna scream and yell at you. You both are idiots, but I see the reasons behind both of your reactions. Why don't you call her? I am positive that she will answer you." Tara said.

"Well, funny you should mention that, because about five minutes ago, I left a message on her cell phone. Is she out with Kevin or something?" Tommy asked, letting out the breath he had been holding.

The line went silent for a moment, causing the guitarist to pull it away from his ear and confirm the call hadn't disconnected. Tommy heard knocking on a door and murmuring, making the guitarist's chest grow tighter with anxiety. The feeling of a hand on his shoulder caused the younger man to jump and turn, seeing Paul towering over him. Tommy held his finger up to the singer in a silent request for a few more minutes while he waited for your best friend to come back on the line.

"Hey, Tommy, are you still there?" Tara asked.

"Yeah, I'm still here. What's the word?" Tommy countered.

Tommy looked over at his best friend, feeling a smile pull at his lips for the first time in the last few days.

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