Part 33

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"What are you thinking about so hard" Tommy asked, as he pulled into a mall parking lot

"Why do you assume I'm thinking about anything? Did you ever think I'm just enjoying the view? This is a new city for me." You replied, before sticking your tongue out at the guitarist.

You bit your lip and grinned at the guitarist as Tommy let out a groan and threw his sunglasses on top of the dash. He reached across the center console and grabbed your shirt, pulling you as close as he could to him before moving his mouth to hover above yours. You could feel the goosebumps dancing across your arms and legs in anticipation of what the man may do next. He released your shirt and moved his hands to your hair before colliding his mouth against yours, pushing his tongue into your mouth. You moved your hands to his thighs, gripping them tightly as the two of you kissed, completely forgetting where you were.

"Note to self stick my tongue out more at you," You replied, as you pulled away for air

"Y/N, don't you start with that smart mouth of yours, or I will pull you in the backseat and fuck you until you can't walk straight," Tommy said, sternly

"Yes, sir." You said as you quickly opened the door to escape.

"Oh, you are such a brat" the guitarist replied, shutting his car door

"But the real question is, would you have me any other way?" You asked, standing in front of him.

"I wouldn't change a thing about you. You keep me on my toes and I love every second." Tommy replied, before kissing your cheek.

"Yeah, you say that now but let's see how you feel after dinner tonight," You replied, pulling away out of his grasp

Tommy grabbed your hand and pulled you right back to him, looking down at you with both love and hurt flashing in his dark brown eyes. Instantly feeling your guts twist in guilt at the comment, you didn't want to hurt the guitarist at all, but the nagging thought of having to see his perfect ex wife was still driving you up the wall. You grabbed Tommy's hand and squeezed it, before wrapping your arm around his waist in a half hug.

"I love you Tommy. I'm sorry about that comment." You said.

"Oh, baby, don't worry about it. Just remember, I was in your spot just a few weeks ago with that douche bag," the guitarist replied, rolling his eyes.

The sound of your phone ringing caused you both to jump and laugh as you pulled the device out of your pocket. You looked down, seeing your best friend's name flashing across the screen. You heard the guitarist let out an aggravated sigh and snatched the device from you, turning it off and stuffing it in his jeans pocket. Tommy grabbed his own phone and switched it off and shoved it in the opposite pocket.

"That could have been important, jerk. I texted her earlier to check in on them." You replied.

"Let's let today and tonight be about us, and tomorrow you can give her all the details of the events. Deal?" Tommy asked.

"How about I give you this afternoon of shopping and don't put up a fight about you buying me stuff, then you give me my phone back in the car? I'm gonna need Tara's help with the outfit and to be talked off the ledge a bit before dinner. I wish you could understand that," You replied.

"Fine. Deal, but they still don't need to come and visit. I want you all to myself for a bit." the guitarist said.

The two of you walked in silence for a few minutes as you looked around the lower level of the mall. There were names of stores you had only heard of in commercials, making you apprehensive about the guitarist buying anything for you at all. You didn't want him to think you were only there for his money and a place to stay now that your dad had passed away. Tommy and you walked past the food court and your stomach let out an irritated growl, making both of you stop and the guitarist chuckle slightly.

"Should we get food first?" Tommy asked, pulling you to a stop in front of him.

"No, No, No, I'm fine. Let's just get the shopping over with so we can get home and I can call Tara," You replied.

Tommy let go of your hand and ran it through his hair, looking at you with an aggravated glare. You knew you had touched a nerve by bringing up your friend again, and only wanting to speak with her about what could go down for the night. You looked around and pointed at one of the department stores in front of the two of you.

"Wow, this place looks like it has nothing but expensive brands in it. Hell, this whole place looks like it has nothing but fancy stuff in it," You said, looking at the mannequin in the window.

"Nah, there's a little of everything, besides you deserve the best now, so don't fight me on buying you stuff, missy," the guitarist replied, pulling you inside the door.

"Dear god where do we begin?" You asked.

"Go find your size. I'm going to the men's side. I don't want to listen to my sister complain about how I wear the same thing every time I go over there." Tommy replied.

"How about you help me first and then I'll help you, okay? I hate clothes shopping and have no sense of style like you do," You said, feeling the anxiety build up.

"Okay deal, you can give me my own little show then," The guitarist said

"Yeah, cause that only ever leads to one thing," You murmured

You let out a yelp as Tommy swatted your ass hard and then wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you as close as he could. He looked around and then whispered in your ear, instantly making you cover your mouth to keep a moan from escaping it. Tommy looked down at you with blown pupils, making your throat go dry within seconds.

"Now be a good girl and go do what I asked," Tommy said, taking a seat in one chair near the dressing room.

You looked at him with your mouth slightly hanging open and nodded your head, at a loss for words about what to say to the man. As the man's words played over in your mind, you tried to stay focused on your task. You looked up, seeing the guitarist looking at you with a sly smirk on his face.

"This man is going to be the death of me," You whispered to yourself.

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