Part 13

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Tara wrapped her around your shoulders as the four of you stepped off the elevator, heading toward the rental car Eric had gotten for the week. You could tell by the slight smirk gracing your best friend's face that you were about to get an ear full about Paul and Gene's wives. The walk to the car remained somewhat quiet and made your stomach do flip-flops. Both men opened the door for each of you, Tommy leaning into kissing you quickly.
"I swear to god if you don't give me some info before we get there, I'm gonna slap you," You whispered.
"Dude, stop stressing out about this. Erin is great, and actually, she worried about you losing your dad and the fight between you two idiots. The other one, though, acts just like her husband." Tara whispered.
"Oh great, her nose is so far in the air she would drown if it rains?" You asked.
"Oh, you have no idea! You will be just fine, and I'll be right there with you. I don't take any bullshit from anyone, especially when people are fucking with my family." She replied, squeezing your hand.
You looked upfront to see Tommy hitting Eric in the back of the head, making the drummer put the car back in park and turn around to face the guitarist punching him in the thigh. You and Tara covered your mouths quickly to stop yourselves from laughing at the interaction between the two men. Waiting to see what would happen next, you leaned forward as far as the seat belt would allow.
"You should just let me drive, asshole. You know you can't remember how to get to Paul's house, and you drive like an idiot," Tommy said.
"I rented the car, and that's what GPS is for, fuckhead, but you hit me again like that, and you can walk," Eric replied.
"Eric, I'm surprised you can even reach the pedals. Drive the fucking car, but you drive like a moron. I'm going to kick your ass when we get there," The guitarist stated.
"I may be short, but remember, I'm a drummer and have to use my legs a lot with the equipment. It's one kick to your kneecap, and Y/N will have to help you walk," The drummer replied, starting the car again.
"You have to aim for the knee cap because if you had to be in an actual fight, you'd have to jump to reach their face," Tara said from the back.
"Tara, Don't you start with me either, or you can sleep in their room," Eric said, looking at her from the rear-view mirror.
"NO!" Both you and Tommy yelled.
45 Minutes Later
Eric drove up to the gate to Paul's house and pressed the button, waiting for someone in the house to grant access. You gazed out the window in awe of the size of the singer's home and then looked down at your clothes, worrying if you could fit in with everyone at the get-together. The static sound brought your attention back to the group in the car as Paul's voice rang across the intercom.
"Come on through, guys," the singer requested.
"You know he is going to be pissed. Especially since Gene and Shannon got here first." Tommy said, shaking his head.
"Oh, that's great. I will have Erin pissed at me, and you two will have Paul mad at you. Can I take the car back to the hotel?" You asked from the backseat.
The car suddenly became uncomfortable as you watched both Eric and Tommy exchange looks with one another. Eric pulled the car up the long driveway and parked next to the bassist's car, jumping out and walking toward the door with Tara following close behind him. You took a deep breath, feeling the tears forming as your anxiety kicked into overdrive. The last thing you wanted was to embarrass Tommy or to be the reason a rift started between his bandmates. Tommy climbed over the center console and joined you in the car's backseat. He grabbed your hand with a concerned look.
"Do you want to tell me what you meant by that earlier?" Tommy asked, tilting his head to the side.
"I dragged Paul out of his house at an ungodly hour to fix something that should have stayed between us. I'm sure Erin hates me already. Then there is Gene, who I know hates Tara and me." You replied.
"Gene is an asshole, and I can't say that you will get used to him because there are times he bugs me. You know that sense of humor that I love about you? The one that I never know if you're kidding or not?" The guitarist asked,
"Yeah?" You replied.
"Use that on him. I promise it's the best weapon you have. Plus, Paul loves having someone else to help him gang up on Gene. I don't think that's what you're worried about." Tommy said, matter-of-factly.
"I'm not built for this life, the glitz and glamor like Shannon or Erin. They have class and beauty, where I am from a white-trash family in Oklahoma. Hell, Tara can handle being a rock star's girlfriend with the confidence she has. If they hate me, what does that mean for us?" You replied, looking away from the man.
"It means that I still love you the same as I did this morning and that whoever doesn't like you is missing out on a great friend. I know when I was here for a couple of hours that night before I flew to see you, Erin and Paul were worried about you with your dad, and they hoped we could work it out because I was finally happy. They aren't ones to blow smoke up anyone's ass." Tommy stated, pulling you close to him.
"We should probably head inside before Eric comes out yelling at us," You replied, attempting to move away from the guitarist.
Tommy kissed you quickly and leaned his forehead against yours, looking deep into your eyes, making the fear melt away from you. You and Tommy opened the doors to the car and slid out, just as Paul came walking out of his house, holding his youngest daughter on his hip. Tommy let go of your hand and grinned at the little girl, holding his arms out for her to come to him. Emily squealed and let the guitarist take her,  making both you and the singer go into a fight of laughter.
"Hello, Paul," You said, hugging the singer.
"It is so good to see you, Y/N. Come on in, and let me introduce you to my family. Are you hungry or thirsty?" Paul asked, pulling you into the house.
"Hey, you are never like that with any of us in the band. Why do Y/N and Tara get special treatment? Eric moaned.
"Well, because I like them more and do what I want since this is kinda my house." Paul shot back.
"I love being around Paul. He gives me a break by keeping you in check for me," Tara said with a laugh.
"I know the Kruise was a little hectic, so let me introduce you again to my beautiful wife, Erin," The singer said, smiling at the slender blonde woman in front of him.
You held out your hand to shake Erin's hand, feeling awkward as the room got quiet. She looked from you to your hand, then wrapped her arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug. Letting out a sigh of relief, you returned the hug, feeling Erin pat your back a few times before you broke the hug, turning away for a minute to wipe the tear from your eye.
"It's good to see you again and with Tommy. I see you have some competition over there with Ms. Emily," Erin said.
"He looks like a natural over there with her. It's cute," You replied, smiling softly at the guitarist.
"Shannon is around here somewhere with Gene, so Y/N, I will introduce you two again in a few minutes. The food's done, so let's eat before it gets cold," Paul announced.
Everyone quickly gathered around in the kitchen, taking turns filling their plates with various meats and side dishes. You followed behind Tommy to the large dining room, taking a moment to look around at the beautiful paint on the walls. Tommy sat his plate down on the table, then pulled out the chair next to him, making you blush at the sweet gesture. Moments later, Gene and Shannon appeared from the backyard, talking between themselves, until they noticed everyone was staring at them from the dining room.
"Where the hell have you two been?" Eric asked.
"Eric, watch your mouth. I don't need the little ones picking up any more of your bad habits. Evan was hard enough to deal with after you taught him how to prank people. I don't think Erin could handle all three of the kids doing that." Paul replied.
"I was showing Shannon the new painting in the studio since Tommy and Eric seem to drag their feet getting anywhere on time since those two came along. Gene stated, gesturing to you and Tara.
"Nice to see you as well, Gene, Shannon; you remember Tommy's girlfriend Y/N?" Tara asked, rolling her eyes at the bassist.
"Nice to see you again, Y/N," Shannon replied, barely shaking your hand.
"Ahh yes, the one that can't decide if she's with her ex this week or Tommy," Gene said with a chuckle.

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