Chapter Forty-Six

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The last few hours have been quite hectic and very overwhelming. Once the police arrived and heard my story, they sent police officers to find them, as well as leaving some police to guard the house.

Even though there's police here, I'm absolutely terrified. The fact that none of the boys have been found doesn't help with the growing anxieties within.

I know I should try to get some sleep, but I can't help but wonder if I'll really be alright. What if they come and get me in the middle of the night? Sure, there's police here, but still...

No, I should trust that the police will keep me safe. That's their job after all. Let's just try to get some sleep...


Just great. Thanks to Sun and Hau going absolutely crazy, I was forced to leave my house and go into hiding in the nearby forest.

Damn them.

As I was walking throughout the forest, I noticed two figures approaching me. I decided to hide behind a nearby tree to prepare my gun in case I needed to get violent.

Oh... It's Sun and Hau...

Gun in hand, I left my hiding place.

"Stop where you are, or I'll shoot." I commanded.

Hau and Sun both put their hands where I could see them.

"Relax; we're not here to harm you." Sun assured me.

Taking in their expressions, I saw that the both of them had crazed looks in their eyes.

"W-What happened to you?" I asked, slightly taken aback.

"(Name)... She has an effect on us... One that no one else has..." Hau explained, his head twitching like crazy.

... Just what has (Name) done to them...?

"You see, (Name) brought out Hau's hidden psychotic side... And I've learned to embrace my more dominating and controlling personality... I can't help but wonder just what kind of effect she's had on you...?"


"If you want, we can help you find out. Of course, when (Name)'s safe from everyone else, we'll have to find a way to share her... Or better yet find who'll keep her in the end... Regardless, it's your choice. We don't mind not sharing with one less person."

It didn't take me long to give Sun an answer.


Sun smiled.

"Then let's go; we already have a plan of action set."

And with that, we three headed back to (Name)'s place, making sure to hide from the police.

"So, what's the plan, genius?" I stated.

Sun rolled his eyes.

"I have two motorcycles nearby we'll use for the escape. First though, Hau'll take out the police, allowing for you to grab (Name) while I bring out the motorcycles. Seems simple enough, right?"

"You have two-"

"Don't question it. Just go once Hau has a path for you."

I sighed, knowing that there was no backing out now.

"Time to kill some fucking police bitches!" Hau exclaimed, bringing out a gun and army knife before charging in, already killing three police officers with shots to the head.

When I saw the opening, I hurried to the window outside (Name)'s room, breaking the glass. Crawling in the room, I was a bit shocked to see (Name) still asleep. Must be a heavy sleeper...

Looking at her sleeping form, a feeling inside me began to awake.

A feeling.

A need.

A need for (Name).

It was similar to back at the mansion... The thing about my affection that drives me crazy; my lust for her...

I can't do anything at the moment due to the fact Hau and Sun are waiting outside...

A kiss to her lips will have to do.

Gently picking up her sleeping form, I carried her outside, where Hau and Sun were waiting with the motorcycles. When I wondered how no one was approaching them while out in the open, I looked around to see dead bodies covering the ground.

... I know I'm crazy, but Hau has truly lost it...

"Come on, let's go."

I placed (Name) on Sun's motorcycle before joining Hau on his.

"Do you have a place in mind for us to head to?" I inquired.

"Yeah. It's a secret house in the forest; no one will find us." Sun stated, beginning to show the way.


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