Chapter Thirty-Five

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My eyes lazily opened to find myself in a dark room.

Just where am I...?

I tried to move, only to learn that I was chained to the wall, and the way the

chain's had been set up... I couldn't even move...

A thick material had been placed over my mouth, making it so I couldn't talk or even scream.

I truly was helpless...


I've been searching for a while now, and I have no clue on where (Name) could be.

... Guess I'll have to use my last resort...

... Here I am, the most intimidating bar on the island...

It's known for more... dangerous and criminal-prone guests and regulars...

The only reason I'm allowed to come in is because they're terrified of my grandpa.

Lucky me.

As I entered, I glanced around for who I was looking for...

... And quickly found him...

"Hey, I need a favor." I mentioned as I sat down, getting straight to the point.

"Oh? What do you need this time?" Rogue questioned.

"I need to know where a girl named '(Name)' is. I have a suspicion that she was kidnapped."

"... I see... She your girlfriend or something?" Rogue's slightly slurred voice asked.

"Not yet."

Rogue laughed.

"You never change, do you? Well, I did hear about a girl with the same name being kidnapped by some of the 'Killer Guys Group' gang."

.... No... that can't be...

"Do you have any idea where they would be holding her?"

Rogue has to take a minute to think before he responds.


"If rumor's correct, they put her in Capital Base 101. Do you know where-"

I quickly stood up from the booth we were sitting at.

"Thanks. Here, treat yourself to a drink." I said, placing some money on the table, and running off.

(Name)... I will find you!


"(Name)!" I heard someone shout.

I looked up to see Hau.

"How did you find me?" I inquired, after Hau tore off the cloth which was covering my mouth.

"No time to talk. We need to get you out of here." Hau stated, as he began undoing the chains with a key he had.

"How did you..."

"Took out a guard." Hau explained, making it seem so simple.

Soon enough, I was free, and the two of us quickly made our way out of wherever we had been at.

"(Name), you go on ahead. I'll catch up." Hau said, turning around.


"Just go. Trust me. There should be a car waiting for you outside this door."

If you say so...

I then ran out, and there was indeed a car waiting for me.

"Come, Ms. (Last Name)." The driver exclaimed, a hand ushering me to the car.

Once inside the car, we rove away.

"Wait, what about Hau!?" I questioned.

"Don't worry about him. He'll be fine." The driver reassured me.

... Hau... Please be okay...


Now that (Name)'s gone... Time for revenge...!

These people will pay for what they've done... with their lives...

I then found the center of the building, and placed a bomb down to detonate in ten minutes.

After doing so, I ran out of the building, and hid.

While hiding, I gave myself a few bruises and cuts to make it seem like I was caught up in the blast.


There... Now you can pay for the rest of your sentence.... In hell!

Guess I should go now... To reassure (Name) that I'm not dead...

This was all for you (Name), my love...

Yes, yes, I know. Horrible author-chan hasn't uploaded in forever. I'm so sorry! I do plan to update more often from now on; that I promise. Thank you all for waiting so long!

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