Chapter 79 - Decisions, Decisions

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Eight months had passed very quickly since the birth of my daughter. Everyday she did something different and being her mum was turning out to be an amazing experience. We were finally going to have her christening in two days, so my family and I were busy preparing for it. 

Kyle and I still weren't together, but he had changed SO much. He acted so grown up now, he was always around to help and had been fully supportive of me every step of the way, and he had a good relationship with our daughter, I was happy with him being her dad and she seemed to have been the thing that finally made him grow up and man up. 

I knew deep down that I still loved him a little, but too much had happened, how would we ever be happy together? I had given him so many chances and all he did was fuck it up, I couldn't do it anymore. 

About a month earlier, Karim had been spotted in several places around the country but the police had still not managed to catch up with him, but every night I prayed they would find him and Karina's family would finally be at peace. 

After everything that had happened over the last year or two, our group of friends had become so fractured, I didn't speak to Jade and Meisha anymore, I spoke to Paris once in a while but it wasn't the same. I was still close with Rianna and Paige but our group just wasn't the same anymore...

I was waiting for Kyle and his mum to arrive so we could go to Costco and get some things for the christening party. My buzzer rang just as I finished putting Kari's shoes on so I quickly went to open the door for them.

"How's my princess this morning?" Kyle said, walking over to the sofa and picking her up. I watched as he played around for a few minutes and she laughed her little head off until little spit bubbles came out of her mouth.

"Don't make her vomit, I'm the one that's gonna hve to clean it up!" I said, putting a bottle and some baby food into the baby bag, I was ready to go.

"Mummy worries too much, doesn't she?" He whispered, thinking I couldn't hear as we walked out of the house. I shook my head and laughed a bit as I locked the door behind us.

"I think she's gonna be crawling soon, the other day my mum said she was trying to but it wasn't working so she did that shuffle thing she does." He said, as we exited the building. 

"Yeah, she was doing it all yesterday, too. I'm gonna need to baby-proof everything soon coz I can't chase her around all the time." 

As we walked around Costco with Patrice, Kyle's mum pishing Kari in her pram, we picked out items we needed for the reception. 

"How many people y'all expecting, you need to make sure you budget the food portions and don't give out too mcuh." Patrice said, smoothing her hair down. 

I looked at her and was about to respond then Kyle cut me off. 

"Mum, it's black people and you know our people love to eat for free so there's only so much we can do."  He said as he lifted more drinks off of the shelf. 

"I didn't invite many, just my family and some friends, but I can't say for sure who will come." I looked at our shopping list as I spoke. We had gotten quite a lot of what was needed so we headed towards the alcohol aisle to choose some bottles.


I woke up at about 6am on the morning of the christening, to drop Kari to Janice, Kyle's cousin so we could go and set up the reception venue. By 10am all the tables and chairs were set up, some of the drinks were chilling in the fridge and the food was all either cooked or prepped for later. 

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