Chapter 69 - Darkness Looming

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Chapter 69

“Derome!! Open this fucking door!” she screamed…. Meisha had officially gone crazy!

“Ain’t you gonna go answer it?” Emmanuel said, whilst bent over with laughter

Derome got up and stomped towards the front door, mumbling under his breath. I sat there silently, not knowing what to do or say. If Meisha came in and saw me here she might think I had turned against her but then at the same time, she was barely speaking to me or anyone else. I could hear them arguing in the hallway, it didn’t seem like he was gonna let her any further into the house. They argued for about 15 minutes then there was a thud and the door slammed shut. Derome re-entered the room and said nothing, he just sat there breathing heavily.

I assumed that he had thrown her out so I stood up and decided to go and find her. This situation had gone on for long enough.

I ignored any questions and limped to the front door. As soon as I opened the door I found Meisha laying there, flat on her back with tears streaming down her face.

“Meisha… are you okay?” I sat on the step and pulled her up by her arms

“He doesn’t want me anymore… What am I gonna do?” she said, her voice breaking as she cried even more. My heart was breaking for her because I knew exactly what she was feeling. It hurt so much when you loved someone so much and they just didn’t care. It was even worse when they just cast you aside like yesterday’s leftovers.

“Meisha… he’s not worth it, if he can’t forgive you for one little thing then fuck him. If it had been the other way around he wouldn’t even be trying to earn your forgiveness. Don’t let anyone, especially a worthless man, ruin your life and break you down. No man is worth that.”

“I don’t know what to do.”

“You just gotta try and move on. Trust me, I know it’s hard but it’s the only thing you really can do. If you spend time dwelling on him, you will wake up one day and realise you wasted your time.”

I sat with her until she stopped crying then I went inside to tell Kyle that I was getting a cab back to Meisha’s house with her.


The next morning Karina and Rianna came over to Meisha’s house and we spent the morning discussing our plan of action to keep Meisha busy and away from Derome. Our first plan was to go away to my grandparent’s house in France for a few days before they all went off for university.

“But how will we get down there, though? Train will be mad expensive, I don’t think we can get a coach there either.” Rianna said, scrolling down pages on her iPad.

“If only we had someone who could drive….” we all turned and looked at Meisha – she was the only one who had actually passed her driving test.

“Hell no, I don’t do motorways!”

We spent the majority of the day planning and debating on our holiday, whilst lounging around and eating junk food.

Meisha slowly seemed to be getting distracted from her thoughts of Derome, and as time progressed I hoped she would feel better and be able to move on.

But little did we know of the darkness that was about to hit our group of friends…. Things were about to take a drastic turn for all of us. 

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