Chapter 60 - The One When Ciara Cracks (Liar, Liar Part 2)

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The sound of my phone vibrating on the bedside table had woken me up about half an hour ago but I was still ignoring whoever was calling me. It was the morning of the charity showcase and I should have been rehearsing with the other girls but I really couldn't be bothered at that point.

After another half an hour of the phone vibrating, I finally picked it up and looked at the screen. Jordaine was calling me and I knew she was going to ask where I was. I hesitated then answered


"Finally you fucking bitch! What have you been doing?!" She said 

"Sleeping, sorry. Are you guys waiting for me?" 

"we've BEEN waiting you hoe. Get up and get down here before Chez busses a nut. You've got an hour." 

She said, before hanging up the phone.


I dragged myself out of bed and entered the bathroom, quickly showering and brushing my teeth before getting dressed and leaving the house.

Over the past two days I had received 34 notifications from BBM, 3 text messages and 47 emails yet I had not bothered to look at a single one; I didn't really feel like having contact with anyone in this world of liars.

As I sat on the bus, I began reading through the messages I had received. I replied to a few of the BBM's and the three text messages and ignored the rest.

I got to the place about 30 minutes later and walked around the building trying to find the girls. I finally found them and we stood around talking for a while before getting down to business.


It got to about 6pm and we were sat down having some food before getting ready for the show which started at 7.30. Jordaine came and sat down next to me and I could sense that she was gonna start asking questions.

"So.... What's goin' on with you and that idiot these days?l she asked whilst digging into her bowl of rice

"Erm.. Not much really. He's still a cheating liar so....." I said, shrugging

"Awww babe. Trust me, I waited around for almost two years for him to make things with us official. When I finally realised that he wasn't going to, I just gave up and thought 'fuck it'." She said, reminding me that like pretty much everyone, she too had been with him.

"I gave him so much and missed out on a couple things for him and he doesn't even care. All I ever hear is 'I'm gonna change' but pretty much no change ever comes; don't fucking say it if you're not gonna do it. Its like I'm not even worth the effort or whatever..." I said, suddenly feeling down.

"Well you're like what, his second proper girlfriend? He's probably just so used to only having casual things, so he doesn't get that the whole significance of being in a relationship is to devote yourself to one person."

"When he's 50 and dying of AIDS, he'll realise what he missed out on with you. You're an amazing person, and you're beautiful... He's an idiot to not realise that." She said, smiling at me

"Thanks." I said, gulping to avoid letting the tears that were building in my eyes fall.


We all finished eating and began getting dressed then sat around for a while. I felt my phone vibrating so took it out of my pocket to look at it. Meisha had BBM'd me to let me know that they were here and supposedly mybrother and 'all his boys' were also here. I assumed that she meant Tyrell and assumed that Kyle was probably here too. Perfect!

We weren't gonna be on for about another half an hour so I decided to go and find the girls and hoped that I wouldn't see anyone I didn't wanna see on my way there.. I wasn't even dressed exactly appropriately so I knew I'd. Receive some sly looks and comments. I was dressed in a short black leather waistcoat and tight black satin jeans for the first half of the show and was going to change later. Our group was raising money for breast cancer, so we were showcasing girl groups of the 90's and early 00's. I had somehow been roped into singing as well (mainly coz I couldn't dance as much anymore coz of my bad leg), which I hated doing in public, but it was for a good cause so I didn't complain.

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