Chapter 58 :Welcome to the Bad Girls Club

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A couple of weeks had passed since the night that Jason and I had kissed. I still hadn't spoken to Meisha after what she tried to do. She had been calling me non-stop after Karina had explained to her what had happened with me and Josh, but I didn't wanna hear it. If she thought I'd do that to her after however many years of friendship just showed how little she thought of me.

Paige had called me the night before, saying she had something to tell me. There were loads of rumours flying around that Kinella and Kyle had been fucking. She found this out after they had been caught in a toilet together at some house party. So much for him changing. Apparently Kinella was claiming that they hadn't been doing anything that time, but I didn't know whether or not to believe her.

When Paige had called me and told me this, all I had to say was "That's what hapens when two hoes are put together"

It was a Sunday afternoon and I was lying in bed. I had just woken up but was struggling to get out of bed. I was so tired, I had finished work at like7am that morning and had only gotten home at about 9am after Jason took me, Ray, Tara (one of the barmaids), and Amari (one of the door guys) out to breakfast.

I had noticed Amari giving me weird looks throughout the meal, but thought nothing of it. Delaney had told me that someone at work had a crush on me, but wouldn't tell me who. At the time, I had assumed that it was Jason but I was starting to thinnk that it may be Amari.

About an hour after I woke up, I finally dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face and headed to the kitchen to prepare something to eat. I hunted through the fridge and cupboards before realising that I had hardly any food. I ended up ordering a pizza, deciding to go food shopping tomorrow.

While I waited for my pizza I sat there thinking, with the tv on in the background. Some of my friends were trying to get me back into the saddle (cringe!) But I wasn't sure whether or not I was ready... I had been through so many ups and downs with Kyle and didn't know if I would ever wanna put myself out there again. I definitely waasnt going to wait around for him to change, though. If I sat around waiting for people all my life I'd never get to do what I wanted to do. What if I spent the next 20 years of my life waiting around for Kyle to commit properly then when I finally left him, it was too late? I wanted to have kids and be married at some point, not be a childless spinster coz I waited around for the wrong guy.

it didn't make sense for me to jump straight back into something serious, but I'm not the type to whore around either....

We were on Easter break from college and I was so glad. I was on the brink of losing my other job, but I didn't even care. I always turned up no matter how tired I was, never called in sick and if I was late it was only by a few minutes. The manager was just trying to pick on me for no apparent reason.

Since I had a couple weeks off, I was going to go and stay with my dad and spend the easter weekend with him.


I woke up early on the monday morning, despite going to bed at 2am. I headed down to Asda to do tmy food shopping because the always had some sort of offer or bargain going on. I spent about £50 on food & drink, toilet roll and things to clean the house with, then called the cab company to come and pick me up. There was no way I was gonna haul all these bags home on the bus.

By the time I had gotten home and put away all the shopping, I was starving. I couldn't be bothered to cook anything so I just decided to eat one of the pre-packaged salads I had bought. As I sat the eating, my phone began ringing, it was Karina.


"Hey, what are you doing today?" She asked. I could tell she was out coz there was loads of noise in the background.  

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