Chapter 02

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Chapter 02


I barged into my room, startling Sonobot, who was busy fixing some stuff. "Eh, what are you doing?" I walked towards her to take a close look. "I was just fixing your stuff. It was really messy a while ago!"

"Okay, okay." I replied, "You have to listen to me right now because something.. happened. And heck, I'm embarrassed for the rest of my life!"

"You're exaggerating." "No, I'm not! Just listen to me, will you?" I groaned in annoyance as I started removing my uniform blouse, revealing my white cami top. "Have you heard of Tok Aba's Kokotiam? The one at the park?"

"Well, yeah. I've heard a lot about it. People really head to that place for the both hot and ice chocolate." She replied, as she flew beside me. "What about it?"

I sighed as I sat down on my bed, "So I went to the shop for the first time, and I had fun. Great service, great drink, in short; great experience. When I was walking home, I accidentally bumped into someone, and it was a guy."


"He was the grandson. The grandson of Tok Aba; Boboiboy."

I received a giggle from Sonobot. What the? "Hey, why are you laughing?"

"Because I don't see why are you embarrassed about meeting his grandson. He seems like a nice guy." I groaned, she doesn't get it, huh? "I'm embarrassed because I only got to know his name after he walked me home."


"Why are you making that a big deal? That's not what I'm embarrassed about!" I exclaimed. "The fact that I didn't know him made me embarrassed. Even Tok Aba asked me if I knew him and I said no, because who is he anyway? Other than his grandson?"

Sonobot shrugged, "Well, he is the grandson of that great cocoa shop. I guess he's expected to be known. But you're new here so, I don't see what's wrong in not knowing him. You'll eventually get to know him, I guess." I heard how her tone went from casual to.. teasing.

"If this is about him walking me home, don't give it a meaning. Maybe he was just being nice since he saw a girl walking home this late. You can never be so safe nowadays." I just received a chuckle from her. "You mean, a pretty girl like you?"


I placed my hands on my face, covering it. I feel my cheeks going red, probably because of embarrassment. I heard laughter from Sonobot, ugh, whatever. I didn't mind her as I got off my bed and went to my closet, gosh, I really need a bath. I opened a drawer to put back my earrings and necklace that I usually wear.

"Hey, you don't wear that?" Sonobot flew to me and pointed at my watch. It has a square type face and a purple band.

"Uhm, no.. I don't wear watches that much." I smiled sheepishly. "No.. no!" I was taken aback by her response, "You have to wear that. It's important that you do. I didn't give you that for you to just keep it in that drawer."

Did I hurt her feelings with that? I felt shame in myself, she's right though. As a gift giver, would you want the person not using your gift and just settling aside? Besides, the watch doesn't look that bad. In fact, I haven't even got the chance to take a look on its features.

"I'm sorry." I apologized. "I'll use it, don't worry. You know what," I got the watch and turned it on. It displayed a purple wavy symbol; it looks like a soundwave. I was amazed, "Dang, Sonobot! What kind of watch is this? Wait, where's the time?"

Sonobot pointed a button on the side, "Press that." I did as what she told me to do and I saw the time. I can't believe I got a digital watch! This is so cool. "Thank you, SonoBot! I appreciate it. I'll surely use it every day."

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