History Repeats

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Hawks gets dressed and goes outside and checks the mail, he see's the results and vamp speeds back inside "Shiggy Dabi I got the results", Shigaraki and Dabi vamp speed to Hawks. "Ok for the moment of the truth" Hawks see's the results and cries happy tears "Oh I'm so happy thank you" he hugs Shigaraki and Dabi, "the baby is ours" Shigaraki happily cries. Dabi smiles hugging them, Hawks hands Dabi the paper, Hawks jumps and kisses Shigaraki and Dabi. Dabi and Shigaraki looks and cries happily.

With Jake Takami and Max Aoyama

"Tch" Jake said, "what's your problem" Max looks at him. "None of your damn business" Jake said, "jeez you sound like a bitch" Max pouts. Jake pins him against the wall "Watch your tone with me fricker you don't know me or what I've been through" "I've heard what you did and what have you been through" Max asked, "Tch no you frickin don't" Jake said. "didn't you rape your son twice" Max pouts, "Didn't you rape your son and tortured him 6 times" Jake said. "I never raped him, but the beating is true" Max says, "Tch whatever" Jake smokes a cigarette. Max sighs loudly, Jake puts the cigarette out. Max lays on the sand, a merman swam over to Jake swimming in circles looking at him.

Merman sticks his member in Max, he turns Jake in to a mermaid. "Huh" Jake said, Max screams and pushed the merman off and swam away. merman smirks feeling his sides and tail, Mermaid swim to Jake and turns her into a mermaid. Jake whimpers, Max swam to the other side of the tank. Merman rubs Jake's slit, Mermaid thrust into Jake. Jake cries, Merman cums into Jake and leaves. "Now I know how hawks feels I was a bad father" Jake said, merman rubs Jake's slit smirking. Jake curls up into a ball, merman grabs some seaweed and ties Jake wrist behind her back and put the tip of his member to her mouth. Jake whimpering loudly, merman stuck his fingers in Jake's mouth prying her mouth open and shoves his member down her throat.

Jake whimpers louder, merman thrust into her mouth "you and your friend belong to us". 

With Aoyma and Hawks

Hawks puts on boots "Shiggy Dabi I'm going to prison to check on him want to come" "sure" Shigaraki and Dabi nods, Aoyama was whining about seeing his dad. "Can I go with him" Tokoyami asked, "Sure" Hawks goes to the drivers seat and puts on his seat belt. Merman knots Jake, Jake passes out due to exhaustion. Merman deflates knot and leaves, Shigaraki, Dabi and Aoyama got in the car. Merman groans "I was suppose to take her next, now I have to wait till she's awake", Hawks gets in the car. Tokyomai gets in the car, "Something doesn't feel right" Hawks starts the car "Is everyone in". Tokyomai buckle up, Shigaraki, Dabi and Aoyama buckles up.

Merman put his member at Jake's slit and tries pushing in but was having a hard time since he was bigger, Jake whimpers. Hawks has a vision of his dad getting raped "Shit!". Merman pushed in harder till he's in her womb and pounded into her, "what" Dabi looks at him. "I had a vision of him getting raped I'm hoping I'm wrong" Hawks said, Jake passes out due to blood loss. "something is wrong with that prison" Dabi says, merman kept going. "Everyone brace yourself it's going to be a hell of a ride" Hawks speeds the car to 110, Shigaraki, Dabi and Aoyama clings to the seats. Merman came in her forcing the knot in Jake then wait for the knot to go away then cleans her up before leaving, Hawks see's the prison and stops "Is everyone alright".

Shigaraki and Dabi nods, Aoyama whines covering his mouth and got out throwing up. Tokyomai rubs Aoyama's back, Hawks outside the prison "I have a bad feeling about this". Aoyama pants heavily and whines, "lets go check" Dabi says. "you ok Aoyama" Shigaraki asked, Hawks goes inside. "He'll be fine as long as I'm here I'm going to protect him no matter what" Tokoyami pets Aoyama, Dabi follows. Shigaraki nods and follows Hawks and Dabi, Aoyama purrs leaning on Tokoyami. Tokyomai holds Aoyama and kisses his neck, Hawks see's the desk person "I need to see my father". Aoyama gasped moaning, Shigaraki and Dabi follows. "they moved him and another man into a tank" desk person says, "Where's the tank then" Hawks asked.

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