Compress Gives Birth

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With All-For-One x Inko

Inko makes lunch, All-For-One was asleep purring. Inko finished and puts the food on a plate, All-For-One eats the food. Inko fixed her plate and sits down eating, All-For-One whimpers in pain. "babe are you ok, is it the baby" Inko asked, All-For-One nods and continues to whimper in pain. Inko calls Hawks, "I'm here" Hawks calls Deku and Shigaraki. All-For-One feels something wet and yelps, Deku answers "hello". Shigaraki answers "yes babe", Inko take him to bed. "Your dad's in labor your going to be a big sister" Hawks said, Katsuki wags his tail happily. Deku put Katsuki and Katzuki in the car and buckled the pups in their car seats and put his brother in the car and drove to their parents house, "coming babe, Izuku is driving" Shigaraki says.

Hawks was already in the car with Dabi, Deku kept driving. Inko gets All-For-One ready to give birth, "I'm not giving birth in the car!" All-For-One said. 'Oh boy...' Hawks thought, "I was laying you on the bed to get you ready, why our we in our son-in-laws car" Inko asked. Dabi whines loudly, Hawks pets Dabi's ears "Shh calm down". All-For-One teleports them back home crying in pain, Dabi purrs wagging his tail. Inko rubs his belly to try help the pain, "Good boy" Hawks said. All-For-One whining. Dabi purrs loudly, "wanna just start pushing" Inko asked. All-For-One pushing the pup screaming in pain, "Are we there yet?!" Hawks asked. Katsuki wags his tail happily, Inko watches waiting. Deku pulls into the driveway, Dabi and Shigaraki go out of the car.

All-For-One pushing the pup out and sees blood and faints, Hawks runs into the bedroom. Katsuki whimpers, Inko whines. Shigaraki and Dabi follows, "what's wrong" Deku gets his mates and pups in the house. All-For-One was unconscious, "Oh shit!" Hawks does a C-section on All-For-One. "I smell blood from All-For-One..." Katsuki said, Inko, Shigaraki and Deku whines. Dabi sat and watched, All-For-One has a breathing mask on while unconscious. Hawks has the pup out "Here she is", Katsuki fainted from the blood. Inko pets her husbands head "you did well honey", Shigaraki purrs looking at his sister. Deku caught him and looks at his sister, Katzuki smiles at her. All-For-One purrs in sleep, Hawks gives the pup to Inko and pets Dabi's ears gently.

Katsuki wags his tail happily, Inko laid the pup on her husbands chest "there's food in the kitchen". Dabi purrs wagging his tail, "thanks mom" Deku smiles. Hawks puts Dabi on his back "My puppy", Izumi suckles All-For-Ones nipple. All-For-One purrs in sleep, Katsuki mewling in Deku's chest. Dabi purrs and Shigaraki whines at them, Inko smiles. Deku looks at Katsuki, Hawks put Shigaraki on his back with Dabi "my Wolfy and baby boy" he teleports them home. Izumi coos, "Alpha I horny" Katsuki flustered. Dabi and Shigaraki purrs, Inko lays down with them. Deku took his family home, Hawks lays all of them down in the nest. Izumi fell asleep purring, Katsuki whimpers mewling in Deku's chest. Dabi and Shigaraki curls up, Inko sleeps.

Deku set Katzuki down and the pups in their beds and takes Katsuki to their room, Hawks was asleep purring. "Alpha~" Katsuki said, Shigaraki and Dabi sleeps. Deku set him on the bed, Katsuki:*Wags his tail. Deku took his clothes off, Katsuki blushes and hides his face. "what's wrong puppy" Deku asked smirking, Katsuki whimpers mewling. "you gotta strip puppy" Deku says, Katsuki strips and has a flushed face. Deku gets close to him, Katsuki was embarrassed and hides his face. Deku rubs his sides, "Awnh~" Katsuki moaned. Deku pulls his hands away smirking, Katsuki whimpers mewling "More~" "I have even put it in" Deku says rubbing his hips. "I know but my hips are sensitive" Katsuki mewls, Deku rubs his hips more.

"Alpha please~" Katsuki said, "please what" Deku looks at him. "Please bang me until it hurts~" Katsuki said, "I'll make you whimper and cry in pain" Deku rams into Katsuki and pounds into him without waiting. Katsuki cries out in pleasure, Deku went harder and rougher. Deku went harder and rougher, Katsuki mewls "More~". Deku went more harder and rougher, "Alpha I'm gonna awnh~" Katsuki moans. Deku kept going, Katsuki cums onto Deku's belly. Deku came in him, Katsuki fell asleep purring. Deku sleeps.

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