Together Forever

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"tank top, nice leather vest and the shorts are a little short" Mic smiles trying on his new hero costume and left the boys locker room to walk to class 1-A to show Aizawa and Shirokumo, "Hello Mic~" ??? said. Mic jumps and looks "what are you doing here!!" he used his quirk, "I'm here for revenge for what you did to me" Ryan said. "how did you get in here you abusive bastard, only students and staff with an ID can only get in" Mic used his quirk louder hoping he can get his mates attention, Aizawa knocks out Ryan. Ryan knocked out, Aizawa kisses Mic "Mine". Ryan escapes and grabs Shirokumo, Mic has a panic attack "I cant believe he showed up". "oi what's your problem" Shirokumo says, "Calm down" Aizawa hugs Mic.

Ryan takes his and Shirokumo clothes off and sticks his member in harshly, Mic whimpers hugging back. Shirokumo whimpers in pain kicking his legs at Ryan "get off", Ryan pounds into him. "stop! get out of me" Shirokumo cries clawing Ryan's face, Ryan cums into him "My work here is done" he leaves. Shirokumo cries loudly clawing the grass as he couldn't move from the pain, he curls up crying "Shota Zashi", Denki's ears twitch at the sound and follows it and his eyes widen "OMG Mr. Shirokumo!!" he ran to him. Aizawa see's Denki and Shirokumo "Oboro are you ok?!", "Oboro" Mic ran to them worried. Shirokumo shook his head shaking violently, "he's bleeding out of his you know what Mrs. Aizawa" Denki says and calls Shinsou.

"Shit!" Aizawa said, "Wtf is going on here" Shinsou said. "I don't know, I heard a noise and found your papa like this, and blood and cum running out of him" Denki says, Mic bends down and starts cleaning Shirokumo out. Shigrokumo whimpers trying to get away only to whimper in pain, Aizawa pets Shirokumo's head. "who would do this to Mr. Shirokumo" Denki whines, Mic thinks as he cleans Shirokumo out "Oboro did you see Ryan" he show him a picture. "that's the guy that raped me" Shirkumo whimpers and trembles in pain and fear, "I'll get the chancla" Shinsou said. "I'm going to kill him" Mic says putting his hand in Shirokumo's ass cleaning him out, Shirokumo screams crying "take it out".

Denki smiles "lets get him", "It's ok it's just Mic Aizawa releases soothing pheromones. Mic pulls his hands out "there", Shirokumo whimpers. Aizawa pets Shirokumo, Mic puts Shirokumo's clothes on. Shirokumo purrs whining worried, "What's wrong?" Aizawa asked. Mic rubs his head, Shirokumo shook his head. "Oboro what's wrong" Aizawa said, "I have a chancla" Shinsou said. Shirokumo shook his head more, "let's give him time to calm down" Mic says. Denki grins, "Let's go kick some ass" Shinsou said. Denki nods, Mic held Shirokumo. Shirokumo curled up in Mic's lap, "Oi Ryan" Shinsou said. "Wha-" Ryan said, Shinsou chanclas his ass. Denki held Ryan "don't mess with my boyfriends papa", Ryan not breathing and knocked out.

Denki pokes Ryan "is he dead", "Probably oh well" Shinsou said shrugging. Denki smiles kissing Shinsou, Shinsou kisses back and pins him against the wall gently. Denki squeaks "feisty are we" "I'll show you feisty~" Shinsou growls seductively, Denki growls cutely. Shinsou picks up and takes him to his dorm, Denki held on. Shinsou opens his door and puts Denki on the bed and locks it, Denki smiles swaying his tail. Shinsou pets Denki, Denki purrs. Shinsou unzips his pants "You want to give your Alpha a blowjob~", Denki pulls the boxers and pants down and put his whole length in his mouth bobbing his head. Shinsou runs his fingers through his hair "Your so good to me", Denki purrs vibrating Shinsou's member.

Shinsou pets Denki "such a good omega~", Denki bobs his head faster. Shinsou cums, Denki moans swallowing. Shinsou pants heavily from climax, Denki pulls away panting and lays on the bed. Shinsou pets Denki, Denki purrs loudly. Shinsou picks up Denki and carries him to the bathroom, Denki held on. Shinsou puts Denki on the toilet and fills the bathtub with water, Denki purrs smiling. Shinsou puts him and Denki in the tub, Denki snuggles to him. Shinsou kisses Denki's forehead,  Denki purrs louder. "You so cute Pikachu" Shinsou said, "and your handsome" Denki smiles. "I'm sexy not handsome" Shinsou said, "your still handsome" Denki snuggles his head under Shinsou's head.

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