Little Space And Pregnant Again

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Aria sits on the couch watching tv, "What are you doing?" Jex asked. "watching tv" Aria says, "About?" Jex asked. "romance and stuff, why you ask" Aria asked, "Cause I like you.." Jex said. Aria blushes "I like you to", Jex wags her tail. Aria wags her tail, Jex kisses Aria. Aria kissed her back, "Love you babygirl" Jex said. Aria blushes darkly, "Do you not love me back?" Jex said. "sorry yes, I love you, the nickname got me" Aria says, "Oh ok" Jex said. Aria pulled her on the couch, Jex wags her tail. Aria wags her tail, Jex fell asleep purring. Aria snuggles her sleeping.

With EraserMicCloud

Mic crawls around the floor looking for something, Aizawa smacks Mic's ass. Mic yelps loudly, "Sorry but it was a nice ass honey~" Aizawa said. Mic pouts rubbing his butt, Aizawa pouts. "that hurt" Mic whines, "Sorry I tried to resist but I couldn't" Aizawa said. Mic swayed his tail and continued to looked for his T-shot, Aizawa see's a T-shot and blushes darkly. "babe have you seen it, I need to take it" Mic asked, Aizawa gives him the T-shot. Mic takes it and pulls his pants down and pushed the needle in his leg and pressed the top to have the Testosterone enter his body before pulling it away "there", Aizawa has a nosebleed and faints. "Shota" Mic looks at her, Aizawa has another nosebleed while unconscious 'Too sexy'.

"geez Shota" Mic picks her up, "You killed mom with your sexy voice papa" Shinsou said. Aizawa was in sexy overload, "I have to take it or my voice will go back to being feminine" Mic pouts. Aizawa takes her T-shot "Oh daddy you can bang me all night if you want to~", Shinsou chokes on his water and coughs. "you want daddy's strap on don't you babygirl" Mic smirks rubbing her tail, "Ah~ yes daddy~" Aizawa moans. "Ew! Pikachu I need holy water!" Shinsou asked, Mic drags her to the bedroom. Denki looks at him smoking "have you ever smoked this stuff it helps stress", Shinsou pins his ears down and puts his jacket on and goes outside and slams the door. Aizawa wags her tail, Hawks takes Denki's cigarette and puts it out "What the hell Denki you know he's pregnant! You just asked him to kill your frickin pup!".

"its not a cigarette, its that medical stuff that Hanta's dad buys, its a stress reliever, I know who smokes it and don't" Denki says, Mic took their clothes off. Hawks facepalm himself "You are aware that Shinsou left thinking you don't want the pup anymore right?", Shinsou was outside on the porch crying and hiccupping. "I would never force or let him do anything I wouldn't do myself" Denki walks to the porch "kitty that wasn't a cigarette, it was the medical stuff, you know that stuff I smoke while carrying Yuki", Shinsou looks at Denki and hugs him crying and hiccupping. Hawks goes back to his mates, "you should know, I would never make you smoke that black shit, only the medical to relax you" Denki pulls Shinsou on his lap nuzzling him.

Dabi was looking extra relaxed, Shinsou crying and hiccupping "I-I know I was just scared because I'm a bad alpha". "Where's Shiggy?" Hawks asked, "no your not, your a good Alpha, we have a beautiful baby" Denki says. "maybe to make sure your brother isn't having a asthma attack from the smoke" Dabi says as he waves his hand, "I don't smoke!" Hawks said. Shinsou nuzzles Denki, Dabi lowers his ears "I didn't say you did". Denki purrs nuzzles back, Hawks grabs his car keys and goes to his car. Shinsou fell asleep purring, Dabi follows Hawks "Kei". Denki took him to bed, Hawks goes into the driver seats. Tokoyami give Aoyama his inhaler, Dabi whimpers looking at him.

Aoyama takes it and uses it "I'm glad they smoke outside", "I don't smoke I quit a long time ago..." Hawks said. "I think Dabi and hawks are having a fight" Tokoyami said, "I wasn't say you were" Dabi says. Aoyama sighs, Hawks pouting. "Let the drama continue" Tokoyami said, Dabi whines. "you love drama" Aoyama smiles, Hawks kisses Dabi repeatedly. "Mhm" Tokoyami said, Dabi wags his tail kissing back. Aoyama smiles wrapping his wings around him, Hawks picks up Dabi bridal style and vamp speeds to their bedroom. Tokoyami wags his tail, Dabi squeaks. Aoyama pets his tail, Hawks puts Dabi in the nest and curls around him and sleeps. "Kya~" Tokoyami said, Dabi purrs sleeping. Aoyama smiles innocently, "Ah~" Tokoyami said.

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