Family Hangout

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With Rei Todoroki x Starfire Shinsou

Starfire walks to the hospital and sits in the waiting room, Rei was looking out the window. Starfire waits wondering when Rei will be able to leave, "I don't know if I will leave or not..." Rei said. "but you said they would let you go soon" Starfire whines, "I know I just don't know when" Rei said. Starfire shifts to her cat form and hops on the bed curling up, Rei pets Starfire softly. Starfire purrs swaying her tail, "Cutie" Rei pets Starfire softly. Starfire blushes purring, Rei wags her tail happily. "I think your a grandma of seventeen, I lost count" Starfire says, "I figured" Rei said. "and Shoto isn't the youngest by four or five pups" Starfire says, "He is the youngest" Rei said. "your kids didn't tell you that they have siblings younger than Shoto" Starfire looks up, "I guess not" Rei said.

"I've heard that Enji use to have 550 pups and two were revived, and she's has two more and one on the way" Starfire says, "Yes that's correct" Rei said. "so you know about the five pups" Starfire says, Rei wags her tail "yes..." "how do you feel about what happened to Enji" Starfire asked. "I don't know..." Rei said, "ok and should I ask how long its going to be for them to let you out" Starfire asked sighing. "No" Rei said, "why you been in here for so long" Starfire whines. Rei wags her tail happily, "when can we leave" Starfire asked swaying her tail. "You can leave I need to stay here for my mental health..." Rei said, "you seem fine" Starfire pouts. "Pouring boiling water on your youngest son is not fine!" Rei said, Starfire flinched backing away "I didn't know".

Rei pins her ears down, "I just want to hang out with you outside of here" Starfire says shifting back. "Soon not yet until my mental health is fine again...I just can't go back...yet" Rei said, Starfire whines pouting. "Don't make that face" Rei said, Starfire still pouts. Rei pets Starfire softly, Starfire purrs loudly.

With EndMight and ShigaDabiHawks

Enji sat at the front desk and feels cramps on and off, Aoyama was sewing fabric. Allmight was worried about Enji, Enji clawed the desk a few times feeling heavier cramps. Aoyama looks over "you ok over there", Allmight calls Hawks. "Hello" Hawks answers the phone, Enji shifts to her wolf form crawling for a closet. "is she having contractions" Aoyama asked, Hawks opens the closet and feels Enji's belly. Allmight pets Enji, Enji jumps whining. Aoyama ran to get towels, "Push Enji!" Hawks said. Allmight licks Enji's head, Enji whimpers pushing. "I see the head!" Hawks said, Allmight comforts Enji. Enji whines wondering why Hawks was yelling since he was in front of her, "Sorry Enji" Hawks said then thought 'I see the arms!'.

Allmight pets Enji, Enji whines pushing harder. Allmight fainted, Hawks hears crying. Enji lays her head down tired and pants, Aoyama came back with towels. Allmight licks Enji's head, Hawks wraps Kaiden in towels. Enji licks Kaiden's head, Kaiden purrs. Allmight nuzzles Enji, Enji purrs wagging her tail. Allmight licks Kaiden clean, Kaiden wags his tail. Enji looks around for Hawks, Hawks was on the phone. Allmight fell asleep purring and curls around Kaiden, Enji tilts her head at Hawks. Hawks pets Enji, Enji wags her tail. "I got to go Enji, Dabi needs me" Hawks said, Enji picks Kaiden up by the scruff with her mouth and paws Allmight. Allmight looks up, Kaiden purrs. Hawks goes home, Enji whines wanting to go home.

Dabi sat real close to the front door, Allmight licks Enji's muzzle. Hawks was in front of door "Dabi move back I don't want to hurt you", Enji purrs wagging her tail. Dabi backs up from the door, Kaiden whines and was sleepy. Hawks opens the door and goes inside, Allmight wags his tail. Enji walks home carrying Kaiden, Dabi jumps at Hawks. Kaiden was fussing, Allmight nuzzles Enji. "oof" Hawks was on the floor, Enji purrs shifting to human form and holds Kaiden "are you hungry". Dabi wags his tail, Kaiden suckles Enji's nipple. Allmight shifts into human form, Hawks pets Dabi's ears gently. Enji blushes needing cover, Dabi purrs wagging his tail faster. Allmight puts Kaiden to bed, Kaiden fell asleep purring.

Bad To Good {IidaTodo, Deku x Bakutwins}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu