Deku Gives Birth

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With Starfire

Starfire sat on the couch feeding Tiana, Tiana meows. Starfire meows back, Tiana nuzzles her mom. Starfire nuzzles her back, Tiana purrs swaying her tail. Starfire purrs swaying her tail, Tiana fell asleep purring. Starfire licks her head purring and looks around wondering where everyone was, Tiana purrs. Starfire purrs curling around her, Shinsou looks at Starfire and goes outside and slams the door. Starfire jumps pinning her ears, Denki looks at the door following Shinsou. Shinsou was in the car, Aizawa feels bad for Shinsou. Denki walks to the car tapping on the window, "I'm sorry my presence affects your family, I want to see him but not get in his way" Starfire says. "He just has to get used to you Starfire" Aizawa said, Shinsou unlocks the car door.

Starfire nods, Denki opens the door "what's wrong Hitoshi" "She wasn't there for me... don't get me wrong I feel bad for my birth mom and stuff but she wasn't there for me..." Shinsou said. Aizawa looks for Mic, "do you not remember her saying someone took you from her when they wanted to help her, and she didn't know where you were" Denki says. Mic was feeding the kittens, Red Robin hands him a rag. Stardust Knight stood there wondering what to do now, "No..." Shinsou said. Aizawa nuzzles Mic, "she just wants to be in your life again" Denki says. Mic purrs, "I need to think about this..." Shinsou said. Aizawa fell asleep purring in cat form, "I know" Denki says. Mic was in cat form and still fed the kittens, Shinsou steps out of the car. Denki sways his tail, Shinsou hugs Denki. Denki hugs him back.

With Deku x Bakutwins

Katsuki was in wolf form and wagging his tail, Deku and Katzuki was in their wolf forms. Katsuki nuzzles Deku in wolf form, Katzuki lays down stretching. Deku nuzzles back, Katsuki wags his tail in wolf form. Deku wags his tail happily, Katsuki yips cutely. Deku barks softly, Katsuki barks cutely. Deku barks back, Katsuki wags his tail. Deku wags his tail and licks Katsuki's fur,  Katsuki huffs and pouts cutely. Deku licks his fur clean, Katsuki wags his tail. Deku wags his tail still licking his fur clean, Katsuki crawls under Deku. Deku purrs loudly wagging his tail, Katsuki fell asleep purring. Deku yawns laying down and dozing off.

With ShigaDabiHawks

Dabi and Shigaraki takes their clothes off getting into the shower, Hawks was already in the shower with no clothes on. Dabi and Shigaraki blushes not knowing Hawks was already in the shower, "Are you getting in or not?" Hawks asked. Dabi and Shigaraki got in, Hawks smirks. Dabi and Shigaraki blushes, Hawks pets Dabi's and Shigaraki's ears. Dabi and Shigaraki purrs, Hawks rubs Dabi's hole. Shigaraki watched, Dabi mews arching. "Baby boy you want to help" Hawks was rubbing Dabi's hips and hole, Shigaraki rubs Dabi's shaft. Dabi mews loudly, Hawks rubs Dabis hole. Shigaraki rubs more, Dabi mews louder. Hawks rubs Dabi's tail, Shigaraki rubs harder. "mommy" Dabi moans, Hawks sticks his member in Dabi's ass.

Shigaraki goes into Dabi, Dabi mews loudly. Hawks thrusting slowly into Dabi's ass, Shigaraki moves with Hawks. Dabi whines moaning, Hawks thrusting faster into Dabi's ass. Shigaraki kept moving with Hawks, Dabi cries out. Hawks slams into Dabi's ass, Shigaraki did the same. Dabi screams loudly, "Cum puppy~" Hawks said. Dabi whines coming, Shigaraki came. Hawks washes Dabi's body, Dabi purrs wagging his tail. Shigaraki washes Hawks body, Hawks rinses Dabi's body. Dabi purrs more, Shigaraki waits to rinse off Hawks. Hawks finished rinsing Dabi, Dabi wags his tail. Shigaraki smiles, Hawks pets Dabi's ears gently. Dabi purrs, Shigaraki rinses Hawks off. "Cute puppy" Hawks said, Dabi wags his tail, Shigaraki started washing himself.

Hawks pets Dabi's ears, Dabi purrs louder. Shigaraki rinsed off, "Good puppy" Hawks said. Dabi wags his tail, Shigaraki smiles at them. Hawks turns the shower off and dries himself and Dabi off, Dabi and Shigaraki grabs their towels drying off. Hawks puts his pajamas on, Dabi and Shigaraki puts their pajamas on and crawled into bed. Hawks crawls into bed, Dabi and Shigaraki snuggles to both sides of him. Dabi and Shigaraki falls asleep.

Bad To Good {IidaTodo, Deku x Bakutwins}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن