Beach House Vacation

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With ShigaDabiHawks

Hawks pets Shigaraki, Shigaraki purrs wiggling his tail. "Kei, can we have a beach house vacation" Dabi asked, "Only if we can invite our friends to come on the vacation" Hawks said. "that's why I asked" Dabi says, "Good puppy" Hawks said. Dabi wags his tail, Hawks pets Dabi's ears gently. Dabi purrs wagging his tail, "Good puppy" Hawk said. Dabi purrs louder and wags his tail faster, Hawks wags his tail. Dabi purrs curling up, Hawks pats Dabi's ears. Dabi wags his tail happily, Hawks packs for their vacation beach house. Shigaraki packs his bag, "are we going to tell them" Dabi asked. "Yeah" Hawks said, "after packing" Dabi tilts his head. "Yes" Hawks said, Dabi shifts to his wolf form and lays next to them feeding them.

The pups suckles, Hawks pets Dabi's ears. Dabi purrs wagging his tail, "let's go get the others" Hawks said. Shigaraki nods, Hawks pets Dabi's ears gently and kisses Shigaraki. Shigaraki kissed back, Dabi purrs and whines. Hawks kissed Dabi, Shigaraki kissed Dabi to. Dabi purrs kissing them back, Dabi rubs his ears. Dabi purrs and licks Lucky Angle's head making him purr, Hawks rubs Shigaraki's and Dabi's back. Shigaraki and Dabi purrs loudly, Hawks wags his tail. Shigaraki and Dabi wags their tails, Hawks wags his tail. "wasn't we going to tell everyone" Shigaraki says, Dabi gets up licking the pups clean. "oh yeah I forgot" Hawks said, Shigaraki and Dabi walks to the door. Hawks walks to the door, "who are we starting with" Shigaraki asked.

"I don't know" Hawks said, "Izuku and his family" Shigaraki says. "oh ok" Hawks said, Shigaraki took Dabi and Hawks hand walking to Deku's room. Hawks was blushing, Shigaraki and Dabi giggles at him. "don't make me bang you guys in the hallway" Hawks said, Shigaraki and Dabi pouts. Hawks pats Shigaraki's and Dabi's ears gently, Shigaraki and Dabi purrs. Hawks knocks on Deku's door, Deku opens the door wearing boxers. Hawks covers his eyes "what the hell Izuku" "well excuse me for sleeping comfortable" Deku pouts, "ok" Shigaraki says. Dabi looks at them, Katsuki throws a shirt in Deku's face and huffs. Deku pouts putting the shirt on "did you need something" "yes" Shigaraki says, "Shiggy you tell him" Hawks said.

"beach house vacation with everyone" Shigaraki says, "sure" Deku says. "no" Katsuki said, Hawks back away slowly. "why not" Deku looks at him, Shigaraki and Dabi looks at Hawks. "cause girls are going to look at you" Katsuki said, "oh right" Hawks laughs nervously. "pompom you and Katz would be cuddling me, how are girls going to be looking" Deku asked, "what" Shigaraki and Dabi asked. "they are going to look at your sexy abs Deku" Katsuki huffs and pouts, "Bakugo gets jealous" Hawks said. "I'll wear a shirt" Deku says, "oh" Shigaraki and Dabi nods. Katsuki huffs angrily, Hawks pets Dabi's and Shigaraki's ears. "please" Deku says, Shigaraki and Dabi purrs. "fine" Katsuki said, "yes" Hawks said.

"I'll get you a snow cone when we get there" Deku says, "who's next" Shigaraki asked. "ok Deku" Katsuki said, "ShinKami" Hawks said. Deku smiles and grabs their suitcases "I bought you both two swimsuits that you might like", Katzuki wags her tail waiting to see. Shigaraki and Dabi laughs at the name, "if it's revealing I'll hiss" Katsuki said. Hawks goes to fine shinsou and Kaminari, Katzuki pouts. "no bikini" Deku pouts, "fine" Katsuki pouts. "possessive much" Hawks said, "it's a one piece swimsuit" Deku shows them the swimsuits with fire design and explosion design. Katzuki wags her tail, "their siblings" Shigaraki and Dabi says. Katsuki wags his tail, "I was talking about your brother Shiggy" Hawks said.

Katzuki hugs Deku grabbing her swimsuit, Deku wags his tail. "well a bikini is revealing" Shigaraki says, Katsuki huff and grabs a revealing bathing suit. Hawks coughs on his water "what the hell Katsuki", "that's revealing Kat" Deku says. Katzuki changes into her swimsuit, Shigaraki and Dabi drags Hawks away. Katsuki huffs and pouts, Hawks pouts. "guys are going to be looking at your butt" Deku pouts back, Katzuki looks at herself in the mirror. "Katzuki was starting to change" Shigaraki and Dabi says, Katsuki grabs a non revealing swimsuit. "oh nevermind" Hawks blushes of embarrassment, "thank you for grabbing the swim shorts" Deku says. Shigaraki and Dabi kisses his cheeks, "your welcome" Katsuki said.

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