Prolog 6: Outer World

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A few years later, on the moon where our mansion is, I looked down towards the earth.

"What are you looking at? The earth?" Yori-nee said.

"Yeah" I looked up.

"I heard that you traveled Gensoukyo to obtain shots and spell cards, right?"

"Yeeeaaahh...I did. It was kind of tough...hehe..."

"Did you get any abilities?"

"I got, Patchouli Knowledge from the Koumakan, Satori Komeiji from the underground, Ichirin Komoi near Myorenji, I managed to get Sumireko Usami's, Urumi Ushizaki near the Sanzu River, and Lunar Child from the Magical Forest. As well as Moko's."

"...I feel like you got a lot of them"

"Me too honestly."

We ended our conversation there and stared at the earth.

"...Yori-nee?" I asked

"Yes, Hime?" She answered.

"...What does the outer world look like?"


"...Well, we are in outer space (Kind of)...the outer world huh?"

"I read some stories in Keine's and Akyuu's scrolls, but I want to see what it is."

"Hmm...Well, I won't prohibit you from exploring, but I wouldn't recommend it"

"'re overprotective..."

"I- I'm NOT!!! I just don't want my younger sister who looks like a 5-year-old to go somewhere dangerous!!!"

"Well, not to worry, I'll lend a hand," a voice said. We turned around to see,...The one and only Yukari Yakumo.


Okay, so I don't think everyone knows who Hime was talking about when she got their abilities, so I will explain them here. 

Patchouli Knowledge from the Koumakan: The ability to control elements.

Satori Komeiji from the underground: The ability to read people's hearts. 

Ichirin Komoi near Myorenji: (in short)The ability to control Youkais. 

Sumireko Usami: The ability to control psychic ability.

Urumi Ushizaki near the Sanzu River: The ability to control an object's weight. 

Lunar Child from the Magical Forest: The ability to control sound. 

東方幼妖戦 〜Young  Phantasm Combat〜 【Inazuma Eleven Characters x OC】*not a oneshot*Where stories live. Discover now