Chap. 36: The Star

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~The Next Day~

"Hey, aren't you gonna use that red...thingy?" Kazemaru-chan asked.

"I'm only gonna use it during huge battles, it's too dangerous. I only used it during the last match to see if it works with soccer or not," I shrugged, "Plus, I can't turn back if I already drank the pill and used it."


"Although, I can get the aura," I explained as an aura glowed around me and blew my hair a little.

Kazemaru-chan jumped back and I turned it off.


I was kind of jealous of Ichinose having a lot of power and getting named "magician of the field".

I wish I had a soccer name like that...maybe near the lines of my regular one (Merciless Princess)...Merciless Player of the Princess? Nah, doesn't make sense...

"And please quit hugging me Kazemaru-chan," I said. I was sitting in front of the chairs with Kazemaru behind me.

"You looked like you wanted one," He argued. I sighed and covered my head in embarrassment.

"Oh my, is someone jealous?" a voice said.

I immediately knew who the voice was and started to chase them with 'Homing Amulet'.

She was Parsee Mizuhashi, a Youkai that controls jealousy.

She never is seen near the surface, as she lives underground.

It took about an hour just to get her AND to go back to the club, piggyback riding her.

The club nearly ended but said we were gonna train again sometime. I poofed back into my small form, surprising Ichinose.


I was dropped off near Danchou's house and I helped myself in with Aki who I met at the crossroad.

"Hajimemashite(Nice to meet you), I'm Hime Watatsukino, I'm usually called Hime from my comrades," I introduced myself.

I helped the girls with the dish as I used the technique Sakuya showed me in case I needed to do a manager for anything.

I sometimes wish I wasn't legendary to fit in with normal humans

~The Next Day~

Apparently, Danchou, Domon, and Ichinose were trying a Hissatsu.

I stood at goal for no reason and examined the issues.

Time passed, I saw why it didn't work, but I still couldn't find how to resolve it.

The 'Tri-Pegasus' finally completed but hit me in the head while I was staring at it in awe.

"Ow..." I muttered as I turned back into my small form. 

東方幼妖戦 〜Young  Phantasm Combat〜 【Inazuma Eleven Characters x OC】*not a oneshot*Where stories live. Discover now