Chap. 33: Senbayama-Sen 1

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"NO WAY!!!!!" Everyone said.

"Hehe, all eyes on you, huh?" I asked.

"Says the one who only has one eye exposed," Kidou said.

"I have both of my eyes though," I said as I covered both of my eyes to refrain from my ability/abilities going out of control.


Match starts! Me on MF for today.

I saw the team kind of unable to corporate too well.

The ball got stolen pretty easily, but I stole it back with much more ease.

I performed some acrobats while dodging the enemy and moving upwards toward the goalpost.

I shot a spellcard "Spellcard Activate! Hakufu {Obsessioner}(迫符「脅迫幻覚」)!!!" attempting to seek out the 'illusion'. But it was blocked by 'Makiwari Chop'.

I won't say Inaba's spellcards are weak, but they are not compatible with the next half. I better use them while I can...

I saw at the corner of the eye, Keine-sensei and the Moriya Shrine residence.

They were probably here to see if I won't use my abilities to a content that'll get me suspicious.

I fixed my blindfold into an eyepatch and dashed immediately to our goal.

"'Shine Drive'!!"

"Spellcard Activate! Nichifu {Direct Sunlight}(日符「ダイレクトサンライト」)!!!" I shouted as the area become shiny as heck.

The Bullets successfully blocked the shoot. I caught the ball (with my foot of course!!) and got ready for my next spellcard.

"Spellcard Activate! Onifu {Kurenaiiro no Ougi}(鬼符「紅色の奥義」)"

I burst a red aura that burnt into flames from me and transformed into an ogre. I had red eyes, (although one was covered), partially red hair, horns that look like Suika's horns but with a red ribbon instead of a purple one. My nails were grown somewhat like Flandre's. (A/N: if you look at Flandre when she's out of control, you probably can see that her nails have grown and red. Hime's nails are like that right now). My facial expression was like Yuugi's smirk face and a little fang appeared through my lips.

I swiped the mist with my powerful arms and zoomed in front of the goal.

"Onifu {Agnishine}!!!"

Once I become my ogre form, I can't deactivate it until the pill Erin gave me expires. Also, I no longer need to yell 'Spellcard Activate' when activating one, but the first part changes to 'Onifu'. So like the original 'Hijyutsu {Graythaumaturgy}' will become 'Onifu {Graythaumaturgy}'.

'Kafu {Agnishine}' is Patchouli's spellcard.

I landed safely, now it was time for Kidou to shine.

Give us what you've got Mr. Master Gamemaker. Oh, I forgot, my personality also changes a little.

The passes became more frequent when it was stopped by 'Kagome Kagome'.

"Duck down Max(Matsuno)!!" I shouted as I flew up into the air, "Onifu {Kagome Kagome}!!"

Bad luck Senbayama, Flandre also had 'Kinki {Kagome Kagome}'.

The surroundings burst into dust and I ordered Max to shoot it 45º to his left. Where Kidou was, who passed it to Someoka and shot 'Dragon Tornado' with Goenji. But was stopped with the almighty 'Mugen no Kabe'.

This is the interesting part. I licked my lips as the whistle blew indicating the first half ended.

"When are you gonna deactivate that?" Endou asked.

"I can't until my 14-form expires," I shrugged. 

東方幼妖戦 〜Young  Phantasm Combat〜 【Inazuma Eleven Characters x OC】*not a oneshot*Where stories live. Discover now