Chap. 18: Mikage Sennou-Sen 1

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I changed into the goalkeeper's uniform with the regular one under it.

I took the pill Erin made to maintain the 14-year-old form for at least 1.5 hours. She made a few in case.

Hot...I thought as I tried to cool down with Patchouli's ability.

I was set as goalie for starters. I couldn't keep my guard down at any cost.

Raimon went on the attack but got an (almost) instant counterattack. Unzan caught the shoot and gave it to me.

I examined the area like a robot as all the players were blocked by the Mikage players.

Well played, I thought but you didn't play me well!

I threw the ball into the air as Unzan carried me to the ball. I skillfully kicked the ball even higher and shouted my new Hissatsu,

"'Elemental Spark'!!!"

If my thoughts were correct, they wouldn't know how to deal with Hissatsus that weren't on their data.

'Elemental Spark' was a combination of Patchouli's ability and Marisa's Master Spark.

"'Shoot Pocket'!" the captain/goalie yelled, but too late, the ball got in.

Raimon kept doing our past Hissatsus, but of course, with all the training we did secretly, the goalie had trouble.

"This is the power of Raimon..." I whispered, "Also, I wanna try 'Rocket Kobushi'!"

"Please don't," Handa sweatdropped.

We struggled with Mikage's 'almost' perfect strategy. If it wasn't for me having Satori's ability.

Thank you for my luck and Satori Komeiji-sama, I prayed.

Mikage tried to shoot with their Hissatsu,

"'Patriot Shoot'!!"

Multiple times, but that only made me stronger. After about 7 attempts, the whistle blew indicating that the first half ended.

"This is getting more amusing than I thought," I said with a creepy smile.

I already saw impatience and dread over the Mikage players. While Raimon was scared of Hime's words. 

東方幼妖戦 〜Young  Phantasm Combat〜 【Inazuma Eleven Characters x OC】*not a oneshot*Where stories live. Discover now