Chap. 8: Hissatsu making 2

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I came into the clubroom with Melancholy, only to see no one there. I took this as an opportunity and ran to the nearest girls' bathroom.

Well, here goes nothing.

~A few minutes later~

"...Oh, captain, everyone! I thought you guys were late today," I said as the others came in.

"Yeah, we were looking for a secret technique manual!" said Endou.

I blinked behind the blindfold in confusion "...secret technique manual?"

So, we looked at the notebook that was filled with scribbles and words that were hard to read.

Kazemaru explained this as "appallingly messy handwriting"

"Say, when did you become your 14-year-old self Hime-san?" Goenji asked.

"Oh, this? A friend of mine made a pill that would keep me in the form of a 14-year-old for at least a week or so. She said that it was still progressing so maybe someday I'll be as tall as you guys FOREVER!! MWAHAHAHA~~~!!!!" I said, sounding evil on the last line. Although no one looked scared.

"Fine, I'll be my tiny self for long!!" I pouted and sat inside the stacked tires.

"Hime~~~ get outta there~~!!" Melancholy said. I gave up and stuck my head out the tires.

We didn't know that exact independent training to do, so I worked on building my stamina. Well, running around the school. Melancholy casually stood at the front gate and I saw Yukari's Sukima too. I was on my 5th lap around the pretty large school, I felt a presence behind me.

"WHO ARE YOU?!!!" I shouted behind me.




No answer.


...I guess I made the right decision not to perform the Hissatsus...I might as well practice them when I go back home(moon).

I couldn't pinpoint the unidentified human, but I obtained the information: There are spies around us, and possibly in the team itself. 

東方幼妖戦 〜Young  Phantasm Combat〜 【Inazuma Eleven Characters x OC】*not a oneshot*Where stories live. Discover now