Chap. 41: Tea 'Break'

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The next day, I took the morning off to soar into the sky. I used Sumiriko's ability to levitate, and Tsukuyomi's control of darkness to make wings on my back. I also used Moko's spellcard to boost me into the sky.

Nonetheless, I found it. I found Zeus Jr.H.

I slowly broke into the dark school, I used a cape to keep me covered in case some dumb person finds me.

I used Tsukuyomi's ability again to glide through the darkness without getting seen.

I ended up in a Soccer Field looking place.

I saw some shattered glass pieces on the floor, they were probably from a cup, a dozen of them.

Who the hell shatters glass cups and moreover, leaves them there?

"Who is it," a voice boomed. I should have been still invisible with Tsukuyomi's ability, but I feared that he, the one and only, Kageyama 'commander' would see through me.

I stayed in place until he gave up and left, the door closed. I was expecting him to flash the lights on moments later.

I quickly looked around to see a glass of weird substance. I grabbed it with caution and put it in my cloak for protection. I felt someone behind me, but I skipped it cause I should have been invisible.

I fell off the ship and deployed my dark wings.

Mission Impossible, Succeeded.

I turned the substance into the police office where the detective was and explained that Zeus Jr.H was his next (and current) target.


"What were you doing this morning?" Danchou asked when I came back.

"Some impossible missions," I said bending the way I told the truth.

"'re weird in a way," Kazemaru said from behind.

"Those words kind of hit me hard, Kazemaru-chan..."

~Monday~ (cause I don't know what to write)

Danchou told me to put me as a model for his next stage of 'God Hand'.

"I'm just a mere 'God Hand' user...and besides, 'Gensou the Hand' is getting weaker for absolutely no reason I can't understand."

"Eh? Why?"

"As I said, I don't know...although it might mean that my health is reaching the limit..."

Did Erin-san say anything about my health getting weaker? I might need to meet her today...

"Ready...come at me!" I shouted as two Combo-Hissatsus came in.

But before I could stop it, a person came in and saw a bright light. 

東方幼妖戦 〜Young  Phantasm Combat〜 【Inazuma Eleven Characters x OC】*not a oneshot*Where stories live. Discover now