Chap. 32: Gods

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I was sneaky enough to get out of Inabikari Training and go to Zeus vs. Teikoku.

I brought the Tengus once again to take pictures.

We sat at our designated seats.

Once the match started, I saw Kidou on the bench.

Probably because of my pass...I thought as the kick-off started.


I was shocked as Kidou when Teikoku completely lost.

Even the Tengus who might have seen worse was dropping their jaws too.

Teikoku's goal post was broken and the path was burnt.

All the players were injured badly, laying on the ground.

Zeus...they used Greek gods' names and Hissatsus.

Zeus Jr. High...I will defeat you in the name of Gensoukyo!!! I vowed.


"Kanako-sama, Suwako-sama!!" I yelled.


"I train, to completely defeat Zeus!!!"

They both looked at each other as if hesitating, but they both nodded afterward.

I trained day and night that day and next, on and on.


"Ah, muscle pain..." I thought as I came to the match a little late. I used some abilities I don't use much such as Sumireko in my training.

I am definitely doomed in many ways if I use the ability itself, I thought.

"Wait," I stopped in front of a person.

"What?" He said.

"??????????????" I shot my eyes open. Well, the golden/left was the only visible one though.

"We're almost late," He said.

"Well, this is an honor," I answered as I followed him to the field. 

東方幼妖戦 〜Young  Phantasm Combat〜 【Inazuma Eleven Characters x OC】*not a oneshot*Where stories live. Discover now