Chap. 6: Occult-Sen 2

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"Spellcard activate!!" I shouted flying into the air, "Hijyustu {Graythaumaturgy}!!(秘術「グレイソーマタージ」)"

Forming a star made out of bullets in front of me, parted into 5 ways, and shot the separated Bullets.

I landed safely scoring a point and heard a chant. I canceled out the sound with Luna Child's ability (see Prolog 6 for explanation) but now, I couldn't hear anything. I was confused when the ability malfunctioned. I saw through the blindfold the Occult's captain saying something...maybe a Hissatsu?

I looked around if there was any damage. There weren't any bad damages but the Raimon team couldn't move due to their legs getting wrapped by a black aura. I was the only one that could move, but since I've canceled out the sound, no one could hear me saying that I was safe.

Does it have something to do with sound? I thought as I stole the ball from the opponent and shouted a Hissatsu I made,

"10-bai Kick!!!" I doubt that no one heard it though.

10-bai means 10-times in Japanese, and the kick I used against Teikoku was 10-times their power. So I named it '10-bai Kick'.

The ball made it to the goal net, surprising almost everyone. I deactivated Luna's ability and walked up to the other team.

"Surprise, boys. You underestimated me too much." I smirked. The next thing I knew, I coughed up blood, no worries, it's only a little.

The second half started with only me on the field.

"No need to worry about me, Raimon...I got this" I smiled creepily.

So my plan went like this:

First, use Luna's ability to cancel out the sound, meaning 'Ghost Lock' won't work.

Second, use '10-bai Kick' until the limit where the other team can capture the ball, which I don't think it'll be ever.

Third, start using Spellcards that won't do too much damage. For example, Chiruno's Spellcards.

The final step is to use medium damage Spellcards, like Graythaumaturgy and Master Spark.

The match ended with Raimon | 10 : Occult | 3.

I was more than satisfied that we won.

The Occult team's coach got a pretty harsh punch from me, consisting of Yuugi from the underworld's dangerous punch, and Urumi Ushizaki's ability.

Urumi's ability was to manipulate gravity making the object lighter or heavier, but it only works when she is near the object. 

東方幼妖戦 〜Young  Phantasm Combat〜 【Inazuma Eleven Characters x OC】*not a oneshot*Where stories live. Discover now