Chap. 39: Kidokawa Seishuu-Sen 2

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As Hibiki-kantoku said, I was set MF in the second half.

"Goenji!-" The triplets called but,

"No," I swiped Goenji up before he could see and stuck my tongue out, "Bleeeh".

I stood at my place and examined the tensed-up air.

I caught the ball in time, but the other players blocked me.

"I got it!" one of the triplets said.

"Spellcard Activate!" I jumped up into the air, dodging the slide, "Muen {Anirin no Yoshinosou}(無縁「紫の吉野草」)!!!"

I made the goal, making it 3-1. KS(Kidokawa Seishuu) scored a goal with 'Back Tornado' in the first half.

We had a fierce fight once again, but we made the fourth goal with a phoenix.

Say, a phoenix is called 'Fushichou(不死鳥)' (Undead bird) in Japanese, is that why Moko can use them? Cause she's undead? I guess I'll be able to use one someday...

東方幼妖戦 〜Young  Phantasm Combat〜 【Inazuma Eleven Characters x OC】*not a oneshot*Where stories live. Discover now