~71th part~

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Lately Marcus isn't being himself. It's like a part of him died that day together with Nicolas. It's hard even for me, because he was also my friend, but I'm trying to not let sadness to take over me. Nicolas won't forgive me if I do that. Right now I am dressing Nina up. I took her up on my arms and got out of the room. I went on Marcus's office and found him working on the computer. "Hi, Marcus. Look who came to visit you." I said smiling and went up to him. "I'm busy." He responded without even looking at us. "Babe, don't you think that you can hug your daughter for once?" "Y/N, please stop bothering me." He said and I just left. What the fuck?! What's wrong with him? Is he that busy that he can't even have a look on his daughter? I'm really disappointed on him. . . Nina kissed my cheek and I smiled at her. "I'm sorry for your dad, sweety. He's just tired lately. Anyways we will have so much fun today, I promise." I went back on my room to pick up some toys and then went outside. We sat down on the grass and started playing. Nina is literally the key of my happiness. If it wasn't for her, now I would be locked in a room crying. No one would care about me. Marcus has gotten back into his bad habits. . . So yeah, I'm glad to have Nina here with me. I hope Marcus gets better. . . I really miss him. . . We were supposed to help each other to get through this, but he's ignoring me. . . "M. . . mo. . ." Nina said and I turned at her. "Did my baby try to say mom?" I said smiling and she giggled. "Mom!" She said and started clapping her hands and I just pulled her on a hug.

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